Just hid behind the curtains to listen to the neighbours talking. Think they are plotting against me

They have plans against me for sure

Have you had problems with these neighbors before?

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No, but I don’t trust them

Maybe it’s the sz getting the best of you. I get paranoid a lot, too. Is there something you can do to take your mind off of it? Music or something?


Sounds like a bit of paranoia to me. I’m sure they’re busy living their own lives and not interested in you.

I suggest trying to occupy yourself for a while (tv/music).


I am so disappointed in myself

Have put my headphones on

It happens. Geez don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s part of the disease.


No need to feel disappointed in yourself. I get this way, too. Many of us do. Hope the headphones help. Keep us posted on how you’re doing.

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Situations like these are the only time I hallucinate. I distinctly heard them say, ‘well he is northern from ‘insert my town’. They are all mentally ill and nomadic there’

They can’t know I came from that town so my mind played tricks with me


They are not plotting against you @anon94176359.
You are a bit paranoid that’s all.
Maybe you should get in touch with your doctor.
In the meantime try to relax and distract yourself.

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Sorry for being a Debbie downer folks. Just a little shaken by the reamergence of these problems

Saying that the pdoc said it would take 6-8 weeks for the depot to kick in. Has only been 2


my neighbours are bunch of fkn cunts as well, i want to kill one of them, what an ■■■■■■■, they are all talking about me :frowning: they hate me because they are dickheads and dont believe in mi only one or two are ok but thats in the next block

It happens 171717171

Am feeling better now.


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