Panic Over

Well I just had an epic anxiety attack.

Just went to the corner shop to get a bottle of wine. I always get a bit flustered at the counter, and I forgot to do my handbag up. Out the door I walked a couple of steps before something white glides past my face and I thought hit my hair. I can’t focus because I’m not wearing my glasses (because - masks).

So I’ve made it past a group of teenagers and half way down the road when I dawns on me what I’ve lost. It had to be my crazy person timeline that I’ve written out all neatly for my new therapist, didn’t it. With all the details of what my behaviour was like, my delusional thinking, my grandiose beliefs, my mania, the self harm, all the codes about the exs, everything.

Oh my god, I have never felt more terrified. I turned around, marched back, frantically looking for the stupid incriminating evidence. Thankfully it’s not got any personal identifiers or anything. But I don’t want that kind of thing known to just anyone on the street.

Past the group of kids, while rifling through my bag frantically and also trying to look for it, if it had blown across the road.

Eventually I had to give up because I realised it was a lost cause.

Got home. One last check through my bag. Rummaged really deep. Thank ■■■■ for that, i actually found it.

Im still shaking, but I think this might be the incentive I need to give up the “Christmas” wine.


That surely would rattle my cage. I’m glad you could write it all down for us. Good for you.

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Sounds like a stressful time ! I hope the rest of your day goes ok.

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Can you use contact lenses?

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Thanks @everhopeful

My prescription isn’t very strong @Aziz, and I don’t usually need my glasses when I’m out, but it’s a good point.


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