Our sexuality comes up a lot

The following is merely my personal opinion.

Many of us on the forum bring up doubts about our sexuality. I do that, too. Yet what evidence do we have that there is anything different about this in ourselves? I ask myself how many guys I’ve slept with: zero. How many women?: three. This is concrete and tangible stuff that happened and not out of my imagination. Is it possible for us to pronounce ourselves GLBT or straight based only on what the contents of our minds tell us? Remember that our minds in sz, sza, etc, are deluded, and our delusions are unreliable for info about who we are.

I contend that most of our sexual doubts are byproducts of our illnesses, i.e. delusional. It seems to me unlikely that mental illness is a psychosexual kind of thing. Since the “biological revolution” in psychiatry, those old psychoanalysts should’ve gone out with the tide. It is hoped that when we find the right ap medication, sexual doubts will be disarmed or at least alleviated enough to put them in their proper place. And for evidence about our true sexuality, look at what we DO that is publicly observable.

Thanks for reading.


I think that’s something my hallucinations bring up so much, and probably others as well because, it’s insulting to call a straight person gay. I know I’m not gay, but I do hate being single for so long and possibly feel insecure about it. I have doubts that the voices are somehow our most inner feelings. I see no evidence of that with mine. But they sure know how to exploit them!


Yes, the more time that goes by without real sexual activity, the more insecure. Well said. Also we may have doubts after a big rejection or a bad experience with the opp. sex. Take care.

PS. Is your tag related to the music product name “Danelectro?” The makers of guitars with the “lipstick” pickups? I always thought those were cool, but never bought one.

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It’s another name for a style of music that’s a derivative of Industrial dance known also as Aggrotech. I produce this style sometimes and occasionally Electro industrial, which is the style it came from. Sometimes Hellecktro is referred to as Electro Industrial.

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Gee, thanks for teaching me something new. Have you heard of a prog metal band called King Crimson? Sometimes they are credited with creating the genre “industrial,” beginning I think in the early 1980s. Their mastermind is guitarist Robert Fripp. I dunno what KC has been doing lately.

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I’m listening to their live in Vienna Album. They do remind me of Industrial Rock band KMFDM a little and in some ways Dark Electro band Arcana Obscura. Actually it reminds me a little of Neo-Folk.

I would say Throbbing Gristle gets credited with starting Industrial music. They started Industrial Records in the UK in the late 70’s.

Some of the stuff they made while they were parodying other styles was just awful lol.

But some of their music was way ahead of . many of its time, and really good for the era. They also did synthpop, in fact some of the best tracks on 20 Jazz Funk Greats were synthpop.

Before maybe '82 or '83 synthpop was a little less dancy and bubbly.

I guess you could say the base of Industrial music is dark, harsh, electronic music. With Industrial Metal and Industrial Rock they use electronics in a non dance way and it’s often mostly vocal effects or sample manipulation, with synths used sparingly in a kind of rhythmic or droning way.

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One techno-style duo I like a lot is The Orb. “S.A.L.T.” is, I think, very cool, with the sz’s ravings all thru it. It was on the uni radio station a lot here in 1999. Strange times those were.

Thanks for checking out the Crims. They no longer use my fave drummer of theirs, Bill Bruford, which I find disappointing. Also, the bass guy Tony Levin took off a long time ago.

I fly straight as an arrow


Sigh. I am aware this is a thing. I don’t understand why so many people feel insulted at the idea of being gay, though. It’s a totally normal and natural way to be. Maybe if you guys confronted your own internalized homophobia, you would be able to beat this delusion, because you wouldn’t be terrified of the idea of being gay, and your delusion would have nothing to feed on.


I was responding in part to another user who is female and speculates about being a transgender. So it’s not just about the guys.

I don’t have delusions of being gay. It’s just something my voices like to bring up all the time. I know there’s nothing wrong with being gay, but lol they say the stupidest things that I don’t care about all the time.

Like they say “He’s a bit Goth” and I’m always “More rivethead, but a little” lol. They don’t care if it traumatizes me or not. I guess theres not much they can say anymore that will, really.

Two points:

  1. In my region of the would, “you guys” is a gender-neutral expression meaning “all of you”

  2. I believe that user is actually questioning their gender

You know, I just made my peace with @anon9798425 in a PM a few hours ago. Please don’t make life more difficult than it has to be. If you want, check out my PMs to him.

I can’t check out PMs with other users unless I’m invited to them. I’m not making life difficult. I’m just pointing out that confronting internalized homophobia can help with the delusion of being gay.

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Oh yeah, the Orb was pretty awesome, I’ve heard some of their stuff. I have Ultra World on disc. The whole name is too long lol.

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One reason could be wrong med…my ap doesnt disturb my sexuality.

Other reason could be that in sex one needs to do what makes them happy…but if you are mentally lost you forget what makes you happy.

Yes. It could be chicken or egg with which comes first, delusions or homophobia. And I’ll invite you to the PMs if you like. There’s nothing offensive there.

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