Our puppy is going to the pet Emergency Vet soon

My 17 year old and my husband are on their way home from work to take her. Brownie is having diarrhea and puking her guts out. She’s very sick. I don’t know what’s wrong but she needs to go to the vet now. Not later.

I don’t have money but my daughter does which is why she’s taking her


Oh damn maybe she got poisoned. What are your neighbors like?


It’s good that she’s on her way to the vet


We have a privacy fence. But she was visiting her biological mom the last 2 days so I don’t know but she also lives in a bad neighborhood like I do


Love and best wishes to your dog.
I hope she/he will feel better soon.
Good you are taking him/her to the vet.


People are crazy. Be safe

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Fingers crossed for your pupper. :frowning:


Oh no! That is really scary!!! My thoughts are with you. Please keep us updated.


I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley
How old is your dog again?

Well, my husband decided to watch her for a bit. She’s had no more episodes and was willing to drink water. Therefore, he’s decided we should wait to go to the vet ER. I hope she’s ok.
@Wave @FreeLunch @SacredNeigh7 @shutterbug @Happy_H


Take her to the Vet as soon as you can
How about tomorrow if it’s too late today

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I hope she’s okay

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I agree she needs to go to the vet now @Wave . But I have no money. My stepdaughter is paying and her dad, my husband, told her it’s not yet necessary. So we’re watching her and she hasn’t had diarrhea or vomiting in 2.5 hours. I’m hoping she’s ok. I’m very worried about her.


How old is she @LilyoftheValley?

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Your husband said not to take the dog?

I’m sorry,

He’s not got any of your best interest at heart.

Not even the ■■■■■■■ dog.

He’s going to let that poor little dog die to assert control into the situation.

I wish you could see this for what it is.

If it’s a money thing,

Call your local shelter or ASPCA.

Usually they can get the dog scene.

If it’s just because your husband said not to,

I’d tell him to shove it up his ass and take my dog to a vet.


Your dog is probably dehydrated. They can inject fluids under the skin at the vet. At home you can mix pedialyte with a little canned food and give it to the dog. I have gone through alot of this with dogs I used to have.

Umm … I wholeheartedly disagree with your husband @LilyoftheValley

I don’t want to scare you @LilyoftheValley but given the advanced age of your dog and the poor appetite and chronic diarrhea and vomiting, she could be in the process of dying.

I agree with @Charles_Foster

Take her to the vet NOW!

@Wave @Charles_Foster
She’s 7 months old.
She just vomited again and my husband is cleaning up the mess. I’m going to call around to see who will let us pay in monthly payments or apply for care credit if my stepdaughter can’t afford it. She has some money saved so hopefully she pitches in.


Oh I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley i thought this was your other older dog.

Still, she needs to go see a Vet immediately


Your poor baby. Get her help and deal with the finance after. My dog fell from the second floor and we just went straight to the vet. And had to pay the bill after. But our vet knows us.