Our mental health system

  • You be seen by a psychiatrist
  • psychiatrIst put you on a CTO (community treatment order) forced treatment
  • forced to take medication till mental health tribunal appointment - tribunal decides either to stay on the CTO or come off the CTO

I haven’t heard of one case where people come off the CTO refusing/accepting insight to mental illness coming off the CTO

As an affected it’s a catch 22 where you can’t win


I’ve known several, including me.


i never had one, not my experience


You mind sharing a bit more, how that happened ?

I wasn’t taking my meds, an order was put into place to get me on injections, I was able to move to pills once the injections straightened me out, and I was doing so well they didn’t renew the order. My number of hospitalizations was dropping and I was doing some volunteer work in the community.

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Super, thanks. That how to do it. :heart::kangaroo:

I was on CTO for awhile after i threatened a doctor and was arrested. I wasn’t taking my meds regularly so they put me on the Abilify and Haldol shots. I had to do those for about 2 years then was able to go back on pills. Then i went on clozapine and had a few years of doing really well, with very few hospitalizations. Coming off clozapine last year and the hospitalizations increased but I’m not threatening anybody or being violent. To come off a CTO it’s important to self-advocate and show them the progress you’ve made and what you’re doing to improve your situation. They want evidence. @shutterbug is right about doing stuff like volunteering.


I agree with @shutterbug and @WhiteRaven

I was on a CTO at first. I was on it for years. In and out of the hospital a lot too.

But I got off the CTO successfully from education.

I learned about schizophrenia in state hospital’s group day treatment classes and I did extra reading on my own. I learned I had to take meds for life and I have and I will.


That what I mean, the keep me on the CTO till I believe it myself how sick I am, when there was nothing wrong with me in the first place.