Being put on community treatment order for another year

I have just been in a meeting with my pdoc and mental health social worker and they said because I refused to have my depot last march they are renewing my cto because Of noncompliance. This is the 5th year I’ve been on a cto, I told them honestly if they where to take me off the cto I would not have the depot because there is nothing wrong with me, pdoc said that worries them because I become very unwell and I stabbed myself trying to get a microchip out my armpit. Do you think 5 years on a cto is a long time and are you on one?


It sounds like you have lack of insight. They’re doing the right thing. Also you did the right thing by being honest with them. :sunny:


5 years is a long time. And such a long extension-- a whole year at a time. Around here (Oregon) they’re usually extended for 3 to 6 months at a time, and then you get a hearing to try to get off of it.

And I can see they used everything you said to them (about stabbing yourself) to help make their decision to extend it.

I was on one because I tried to hang myself, and because i told them I was thinking about trying it again, they said i was a danger to myself. I made the mistake of telling them that I had found more fool-proof ways of doing it, that I had been looking stuff up on the internet, etc., and they wrote down what I said and then read it back to the judge, and he put me on 6 months, then they renewed it for another 6 months after that.

Off topic, but I hope you’re staying safe and inside with AC To avoid the fires and air quality dangers.

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That’s pretty heavy. I am not on a CTO. We don’t really have them in Ireland. But I am doing very well now. Undeniably I was quite ill and was a classic schizophrenic. Whether that is still the case I don’t know. But I do take 10mg of Abilify. I was on a depot but it was a little inconvenient so we changed it and I have been well behaved so there was no problem.

The pdoc wants me to go on 3 monthly Invega Sustenna injections which I don’t want but because I’m on a community treatment order I have no say in it. Basically being on a CTO is like being on police bail, If I step one foot out of place I’m recalled back to hospital (instead of jail) I sometimes wonder if I’d be better off in prison because I’ve heard they can’t farce you to have medication?

Prison is a bad place to be psychotic.

I don’t know what the rules are where you are, but recently there was news here about an sz man who died in jail because he was left imobile in restraints for a few days - naked and soiling himself. Barbaric. And they could have medicated him because there was a court order, but they didn’t.

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poor ■■■■■■■…
cto is a nasty thing…
as far as i am concerned it is against human rights…
hang in there… :slight_smile:

I tried to take a pacemaker out of my left shoulder once. Didn’t work out so well. That’s the kind of thing I do when I go off meds and why I’m so careful to not go off them again. Sounds to me like your treatment team is doing right by you. I’m not on a CTO because I’m very aware that I’m ill and I need to take my meds to keep from becoming more ill.

Good luck with eventually finding your way off the CTO.

I think because I severely harmed myself trying to cut the microchip out I’m classed as high risk and that makes people especially doctors look and treat me different, they look at me as a severe case.

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I’m on an ato. Alternative treatment order. I’m forced to get the shot too. I’ve been on it for about 5 years too. I ask them when there going to take me off it but they say not yet.

i hear ya…
that kinda ■■■■ sucks…
i delusionally believed that i had chips in me once but was too terrified to make a sound…

You are a severe case. So was I when I mutilated myself. Accept the treatment, do the therapy, and you’ll get well enough to be let off the treatment order.