Chronic SZA with no insight into illness

Is why the mental health team will not leave me alone and wrote on my tribunal report for my community treatment order appeal that I’m a danger to myself and other people ? The appeal got got denied and they are continuing the CTO, even though I have no history of being a danger to other people. They made it sound bad for me. I did seriously hurt myself cutting a microchip out my left armpit though which was 8 years ago, that is still used against me even now. I’ve been on a CTO since 2011 and it never ends.

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Maybe you have insight but there are times you might not and that’s why they want to keep you safe

I don’t know. But hopefully you get good care with enough freedom and autonomy of choice in your treatment.

I feel sometimes treatment can be heavy handed if we don’t advocate for ourselves and have no insight we can be mistreated by providers

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Yeah, you always hear about the “no danger to self or others” thing, but I dont think thats really how it works most places. I was not really a danger to myself or others either I dont think when I was force medicated in a hospital.

I could see the case made that you could be a danger to yourself, though. Didnt you try to physically dig a microchip out of your armpit? I could see that being used against you.

i was given one of the court docs from when they commited me to the state hospital and they made me sound worse too. i think they do that to try to win their case. they said i was treatment resistant disorgaznied schizophrenia (which i dont think was right but i admit i was very confused at the time) and that i was a danger to myself and others because i listened to the voices and did something dangerous. but the treatment resistant wasnt true and they said i always quit my medicine which is kinda true but the way they wrote it they made me sound worse. and they won. the state attorneys they give u dont do nothing either.

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