Maybe i’m different. Maybe i’m just too weird and insensitive. Either way, all my friends dropped once I changed for the better after my episodes. Maybe they were never real friends to begin with.
They wanted the old ■■■■■■■, petty, judgmental version of myself. Guess what? That ■■■■■■■■■■■■ is dead and a new me has blossomed.
İ don t need friend.there is tonnes of things that you can do alone and enjoy it.reading exercising(not in my case),swimming ,studying for upper education, gaming, etc
My friends from online tend to be more loyal and relatable. I met this friend at iop but I never got his number now I was discharged would it be weird to call up the treatment coordinator and ask if he can give him my number??
Now that I think of it I don’t wanna. Maybe I’ll run into him tho
4 years ago I angrily left all my friends because I suspected they had a narrative about me behind my back. Depressed for 3 years and long term withdrawal took its toll on my social skills. Now I want life to get better.