Was ok on the first couple of days but now feel like I’ve got the flu. Apparently this is because your body when deprived of sugars takes a while to derive energy from your body fat. Folk on this diet have a hard time the first week.
Its the one I was doing. It didn’t have that effect on me though.
Hope you feel better soon.
@Minnii what veg did you allow yourself? I am allowing broccoli, moungetout, chickpeas and black eyed beans. But only smallish amounts.
I lost a huge amount of weight on the Atkins low carb diet, then gained it all back really quickly when I stopped. And stop you will unfortunately.
Give calorie counting a go next. I started with 2500 calories/day , now I’m down to 2000/ day in order to continue losing weight. I think metformin is helping though. It’s decreased my appetite .
broccoli, moungetout, chickpeas and black eyed beans.
Are you opening up a restaurant?
It seems like these fad diets change from time to time. I remember one diet a couple of decades ago that said you should be getting about 70 - 80% of your calories from complex carbohydrates. Now they say you should cut out carbs all together. I imagine that there is a lot of variability in how people respond to a particular diet. There are a number of factors involved - metabolism, muscle mass, age, and so on. If one diet doesn’t work for you maybe you should try another one. I’m a little worried about how these no carb diets affect your heart.
Keep forgetting to get my bloods done. Have so much med-related weight gain that I am pretty much certain I am at risk of high blood sugar.
Definitely make it a priority. The worst that can happen is they’ll put you on metformin and you’ll lose weight and live till 120 !
Till 120? It makes you live longer?
I would cut beans out. Other that that it’s all good. Spinach, courgette, sweet potato.
PS good to see you on here again. Hadn’t realised you changed your account name. How are things?
I’ve done a lot of cleansing diets. Juicing whatnot. The best way i have found is to stick 3 350 calorie meals with 2 150 calorie snacks.
Merci mr Jim. Im fine, it’s a constant struggle but i am very blessed and lucky in my life. A lot to be grateful for and that’s what keeps me going. You need to fill your life somehow. How about you?
Getting by as good as can be expected. I have a new CPN - my forth in 4 years. She seems ok but do miss my last guy. He has gone to work on an acute ward. Thought this was a bit funny - usually it is the other way round.