Is anyone on here obsessed with thoughts of going to heaven and hell, or limbo and purgatory? I know we are not supposed to bring up religion but I know for a fact many of us do this and I want to know your thoughts?!
I think about scenarios a lot. Reincarnation is often a topic in mind. Previous lives. Next lives. Where u go when u die. Simulation theory kinda in that you wake up in your previous reality and this was just some dream
I don’t know if I’ll ever know permanently the answer and then hang on to this information. Although it’s fun to contemplate
But I don’t let it trip me out or change the way I live it’s pure entertainment. Although can understand it can be triggering to some including me, Moreso in the past tho
I saw 5 psychics in my lifetime from when I was a baby to a month ago and they all said I was an old soul. I could kind of feel their power and they tend to believe in reincarnation and I trusted the merit of what they were saying. Since I am spiritual myself it’s easier to trust they weren’t phony but I’m taking their cue in that I’ve had many incarnations but i know I have many to go too. That’s my reasoning and I’m sticking to it
I worry about it. I can’t imagine that the afterlife (if there is one) would be any better than this life. It could even be worse.
I wonder what the fashion is like ? What should I wear ?
I’m spiritual and believe bodily death is not the end, but rather, if anything, a new beginning.
But I don’t really think about it a lot, except perhaps in certain episodes.
When I was on table for hip surgery,I only hoped to see after injection of propofolol sth.
Instead,I just had a blank deep sleep.
If there is possibility not to go to next life,I would choose it without thinking.
But we are not just material,and it hurts me…
Knowing that you might live again,be resurected etc frightens me.
Yea I do wonder about it, especially because lots of my psychosis was based on afterlife.
I’m gonna go to heaven ! I’m not very religious but heaven seems like a guarantee because life is hard and not fair we must all get rewarded after death I think!
I really don’t know if there is an afterlife. All I think about is dying and my arthritis not hurting anymore. It might be a blessing.