Now that you're schizo do you feel you took your previous mental health for granted?

I would have taken better care of myself and basked in good health and feeling normal.

Man looking back I can’t really tell how mentally healthy I was at all. I just remember I used to have awesome thoughts. The world was a gold mine of fascination. Schizophrenia or not that is all I miss.


I would have tried to get in my optimal state back then.

I was never right. I just didn’t realize my experiences were different


I dont even remember good mental health.

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I had my â– â– â– â–  color coded and backed up on flash drives before schizophrenia. I regret nothing about when I was normal. I would have been a much different person. I would have been in ROTC and definitely not smoking cigarettes. I lacked empathy and was rather naive, however. I always told my closest friends that I felt something animalistic and deeply wrong with me when I was normal. I later was found to have some issues other than schizophrenia on the MMPI. However, one of those issues was confounded by being insane at the time of taking the inventory.

I made the most out of myself when I was a teenager. I had issues. I fell on my face and had to get back up. Came back with a vengeance. Now I have different goals. Better goals. Justifiable goals. Worthy goals. Utilitarian goals.

I used to want to kill people for a living. That is just as sick as being schizophrenic. I’m sick in a better way today. I guess the worst thing happening to me brought out the best in me. Everything going well brought out the worst? Maybe not, I had a ■■■■■■ up childhood.

I think I was a good person before schizophrenia but a better person after it.

I guess I would have been a good person. A sick but noble person. I am not sure if a miracle pill would be good for me, but I would take it right now.

When I was normal, I was preoccupied with violence. Today I am not like that, in fact I never want to fight again.

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I never had good health.

I didn’t have any previous mental health. I was born with a cross wired head.

I think about this a lot.

No. I don’t think I neglected any thing about my life before I became ill.

Yeah I utilized the mind to its full extent. That’s when it broke.

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I think I was smarter before I got sick. ? For instance, I can’t read now. I miss reading and I did plenty back when I could.

I may have had good mental health at one time; but now I am not so sure. I remember enjoying watch my father “skin” rabbits after he had hunted in the very ancient mountains near our home. My father went to Vietnam and never hunted again. I have never owned a gun, don’t plan to, and have never shot anything.

Luckily I read all that I wanted to read. Never really enjoyed reading though. I’m surprised I ever did.

I don’t think that I took it for granted, but I was bullied in high school so I said that I would change my body and mind for the better after I graduated. Some of it was a vanity thing, like in high school I weighed 140 lbs (I’m 5’8) and after I went on an extreme diet regime to get down to 117 lbs and got so many compliments. The compliments felt good but I felt awful and sick. I was taking OTC drugs Zantrex 3, literally smelling something in my head roasting as I took the pills, and shaking and sweating. One day, while walking in a store with my mom and sisters, I became so dizzy, slowly felt like I couldn’t move anymore, and blacked out on the checkout line from my 2 month diet of grapes, diet soda and the diet pills. I thought that it was nice not to be teased like in high school and to be complimented, but I almost died. Luckily, there was a nurse in the line behind me and my mom before the ambulance came. At the time, I couldn’t breathe, my hands were blackening and oxygen was rushing away from my brain. I know that if I knew 2 years later I would have gotten szch, I probably would’ve not let the teasing and bullying in high school affect me so much that I would damage my body in such drastic ways.

I’ve always been weird in the head. I don’t think I took anything for granted. I was unable to ever think clearly enough to take things for granted. Although I did take for granted some of the fun times I had before I got psychosis. Then again I’ve always had depression so there was probably a reason for that. I’d probably love the things I used to do if I could still do them now after they were taken away from me.

I was totally unaware followed by totally in denial for all my life but the last couple of months. If I had known or been educated soon enough I probably wouldn’t have smoked pot all day everyday for years. I probably wouldn’t have picked up smoking cigs in the first place, both I fight daily to stay away from. pot free not smoke free at the moment. As for the rest of my health, I’ve always been aware proper diet and exercise are key to keeping most mental illness and physical ailments at bay. Unfortunately I thought my whole life that I could simply exercise my way out of it and outsmart it. here I am now, diagnosed, and in treatment for like a month and a half now.