I sure do I want my old life back. I sometimes feel like I’m in a crisis because of emotional flatness and a lack of positive thinking. I was a happy person before schizophrenia.
Yeah that would be nice.
IN reality I struggled for much of my life with fear and thinking too much. I remember weird ocd behavior even in the first few years of grade school. I don’t know how I survived for so long ( wasn’t dxed till 29 ) and for me I don’t think it would matter. Those genes were there and smoking all that weed probably didn’t help but I had a date with schizophrenia even when young. So for me…No. I would have rather had healthy genes.
I can handle feeling symptoms of schizophrenia. What I couldn’t handle was being constantly, relentlessly and sadistically being picked on as a young teen. Give me paranoia any day over being picked on for the way I dressed, looked, my glasses, the way I smiled etc.
Honestly i dont remember what it felt like. And i’ve tried really hard to remember but i cant. Kinda sux
I wonder if you guys were young when it happened. I was almost 33.
I wish I could be the way I was when I was younger. I miss it so much. Schizophrenia is a croc of shite.
Although I was bullied over different things. I didn’t take any ■■■■ from people at school but when I got home it was much different.
Well I was born with it so I kind of wonder what I would be like without it sometimes. But what I do want to go back to is the time before my abuse cause all the trauma and the depression and the paranoia and the anxieties that came with it are what really killed me.
Much of what everyone else said. I had OCD symptoms since I was seven or so I can’t even remember maybe even earlier. I was never right since I was 11 especially. Life always sucked. It’s better now than it’s ever been.
There is no before for me,
I’ve always been like this.
sorry to hear for the people who were born with this illness. I guess I shouldn’t complain…I had my chance I guess? I do remember the time before my diagnoses but whatever…im starting to realize things in a different perspective (doesn’t mean it may be good).
i was always happy before sz. with sz and negative symptoms I felt bad for the first time.
The paranoia hit me like a bus…
things were going pretty great before I got sick. Fun times in high school, then I went to college and everything went downhill. Yes, I wish I could go back to my pre-sickness days
This 1515151515151
My life was shitty even more I got the schitz. So no, I am feeling good and stable and see no use of wishing I didn’t have what I have because nothing will change. I just gotta move forward.
Yes. Even though throughout my short life I have experienced other mental illness that was more prominent in my youth then today. Suicidal ideation at a young age isn’t fun. But if I could maybe go back to how I felt as a young child… that would be incredible. That’s a feeling I haven’t forgotten, a feeling you could say I long for.
Yes! I often pine for the days I could relax around people. But then again, those days weren’t so great also.
Absolutely. I would give anything to go back and experience 2010 again, before psychosis. I can’t even describe how wonderful it was!