Not taking seroquel as sleeping med any longer

I was given 600 mg seroquel for my sleeping disorder, not taking any longer, checking my blood glucose levels daily, now 6.4 at 6:37 am .


Does that amount of Seroquel put you to sleep?

I was very sensitive to that med. Even small milligram doses of it knocked me out for hours.


If i take the quick acting version of seroquel, even 25mg, it knocks me out like a light. I think if someone took your dose of the quick acting one they’d o’d? And people can take like a thousand mg of the extended release as far as i know.
It can be a big appetite increasing med from what ive seen.
As long as its with a pdoc’s guidance, all good! :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Montezuma @Ozzyskits seroquel is a funny one.

I take 200mg twice a day. But I found 50mg to be the most sedating

I think the med acts different at different dosages


Right on J Bob!

Yeah, it is a very unique and interesting med. I honestly miss it because it did wonders for my anxiety, but on the normal doses of it I developed a skin rash on my face. And when I used to take 25mg for a PRN I had a bad reaction to it one night and fell down behind my building.


True that! @el_Jimbobbio


Yeah seroquel can be great for anxiety. Your fall sounds so scary man. Did you got to the ER?

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No, but my pdoc definitely cancelled my script of it so now I think I can no longer take it.

My brother said that my eyes went to the back of my head and I totally blacked out for a few seconds.

My brother and I were scared!

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Wow sounds like a possession scene from one of your horror movies! Jk!

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LOL :joy:

That’s funny. I totally didn’t even think of that. :laughing:

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But seriously - lucky your bro was there man

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Thank you old friend.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

I collapsed on the floor at 400mg. Didn’t trip or anything just lost conscious.

Seroquel is known to be bad for the cardiac system in some people. I have had problems with it even at 50mg daily.

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