I don’t know anyone that does so I don’t know how I got it. My cousins daughter has bipolar though not sz. she’s doing really well for herself.
Your parents can be carriers of inactive sz genes. No one in my family or distant family has a mental illness.
Do you have history of mi
Anxiety and social phobia but that was it. Some of my family do have anxiety though
Sorry depression too
Mental illnesses are all related.
No one in my family has schizophrenia either so I don’t know why I got it.
my aunt had drug induced psychosis and my niece has borderline… my mum said she thought my great grand mum had MI too cause she was admitted most of her life.
I was diagnosed with psychosis NOS at 21 then with sz at 26 after relapsing because I stopped meds.
i ahve a distant 2nd cousin who has sz, but nobody close tome…
I’m the only one in my family that I know of that has schizophrenia. I guess its possible I inherited the disorder somehow or perhaps my DNA contains a new genetic mutation that gave it to me, or it could be environmental from smoking pot or stress induced or something else. I really don’t know.
No one in my family has schizophrenia but what makes me suspicious is that there are 2 mentally ill/schizophrenic people living in the village where I’m from. We are very distant relatives
My sister also has schizophrenia,
She’s a successful costume designer.
I also have an uncle who shot himself that I suspect had it too,
But we’ll never know.
Rex hows it going homie?
Pretty good!
I’m just up to the same old stuff.
How about you, you feeling well these days?
Yea rexy feeling good.
Hows the house without your MIL
My husband is struggling with it still,
So am I, a little.
But overall, the house has been quiet and nice.
It’s a relief not being a caretaker anymore.
Yea you were doing so much for her.
Im suprised she went so fast though.
As long as u happy im happy =D
Thanks, @anon39015889!
There’s a chance you can get schizophrenia if you’re related to anyone who is bipolar.
No one in my family has sz except me. Other than depression and anxiety I’m the only one with mental illness.