No More Benzos!

I finally successfully and safely tapered off of Klonopin!
I did it slowly, cutting down my dose over a span of a couple of months, till I came off of taking it completely.

I think that being on Depakote helped me not experience a lot of withdrawals.

Honestly coming off of Klonopin was a lot easier than I thought.

I will take A Benzo in an Emergency situation only.

So far Depakote is doing an Awesome job at keeping my Anxiety controllable.


Wow! Congratulations! beware, withdrawal from benzos is “uneven”, i.e. withdrawal symptoms come and go, wax and wane over a period of months.

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Yeah thanks @everhopeful
I’m aware of this, but so far so good.

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Woohoo! I know that can be a very challenging thing to do for many people. Good job, keep it up.

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Thanks @Anna!
The key to my success was tapering off real slow.
It’s a must when coming off of Benzos.


I don’t understand why the doctors in the U.K hate prescribing Diazepam. Why is this? It helps so much I don’t get why they ration it so much. I have mangled to be on Diazepam for two months and I have over months supply left. They usually only put people on them for no more than four weeks.

Just seems crazy that they don’t let me have them when I find them so helpful.


Well done Wave :slight_smile:

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I’m allowed 14 per month, I have had doctors in the past refuse them because they are addictive, I think my doc is ok with it because she knows I don’t abuse them, but yeah there does seem to be a lot of reluctance about prescribing them.

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Cool - I completely stopped taking Benzos - it’s been 2 months. Just the Amnesia is like =(

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I take Ativan sometimes when I’m really anxious. Not on a regular basis. I guess that’s okay, right?

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That’s fine if you were prescribed to take it this way @SnowTiger

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Yes, I always take only 1 per day as needed. I try not to abuse them!

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