I finally successfully and safely tapered off of Klonopin!
I did it slowly, cutting down my dose over a span of a couple of months, till I came off of taking it completely.
I think that being on Depakote helped me not experience a lot of withdrawals.
Honestly coming off of Klonopin was a lot easier than I thought.
I will take A Benzo in an Emergency situation only.
So far Depakote is doing an Awesome job at keeping my Anxiety controllable.
I don’t understand why the doctors in the U.K hate prescribing Diazepam. Why is this? It helps so much I don’t get why they ration it so much. I have mangled to be on Diazepam for two months and I have over months supply left. They usually only put people on them for no more than four weeks.
Just seems crazy that they don’t let me have them when I find them so helpful.
I’m allowed 14 per month, I have had doctors in the past refuse them because they are addictive, I think my doc is ok with it because she knows I don’t abuse them, but yeah there does seem to be a lot of reluctance about prescribing them.