Klonopin is finally helping me

Went out with my father to get his injection at the hospital.
Was anxious going there so I took a small dose of Klonopin and it calmed me right down.

I was as cool as a cucumber sitting in the lobby waiting for him.

No anxiety, no fear.

I don’t plan on taking it everyday.

Just when I’m feeling anxious or manic.

So far it’s doing the trick!


Glad it helped. It helps me too. :butterfly::butterfly::butterfly:


Happy to hear the klonopin helped.

It helps me too.


I used Klonopin daily for a year and it did help me with anxiety, however it didn’t help me sleep (but maybe I wasn’t on a high enough dose for that). After about a year it caused me to start spasming/jerking (mildly) in bed, I was fine throughout the day but once I crawled into bed, after about 15 minutes lying there, my body would spasm every 5 -10 minutes, at different intervals so I quit it. Quitting was hard, had to do a slow 4 month taper and still had 3 weeks of withdrawal effects. It’s fine to take as needed but I wouldn’t recommend it daily for a long period of time.

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It really helps, I took it for 6 years and a half (small doses of 0.5 mg/day) and it did wonders. I stopped taking it a few months ago because I felt it wasn’t necessary anymore and changed it for pregabalin.
I know that if my anxiety gets really bad I’ll take it again. But it is no as bad as people say, people are scared of benzos but I never had any problems of addiction.



Congrats! Way to go!

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Thanks @JustTrish @GoldenRex @GrayBear @Headspark and @Dan0131!

I never had a problem with addiction either.


good to hear it helps you @Wave =)
i hope it keeps helping you when you need it!

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Thanks @lekkerhondje!

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Wow, you’re lucky not to develop a dependence. I was on the same dose 0.5mg/day.

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