I'm off the benzos forever, and I won't be switching meds

My pdoc said that I’ve been taking benzos for too long and since I have a substance abuse problem I shouldn’t be taking it. Since it was my previous pdoc that prescribed it, I’m guessing he didn’t agree with it.

He prescribed me something for sleep, Zolpidem.

I’m not quiting Xeplion (Invega Sustenna) afterall, since I’m doing so well on the med, he thinks its irresponsible to go through the hassle of switching now. To fight the side effects (lactation only) instead of taking it every four weeks I’ll be taking the injection every five weeks.

All is good, I’m very glad I’m finally quitting benzos, I have not been anxious lately and only took half a benzo before sleep.


The benzos, like a lot of med’s, can affect people differently. I had a little trouble coming off Klonopin, but that could have been psychological - the reverse placebo effect. Maybe it was for the best I had to come off Klonopin. I’m glad you’re doing well on your med’s.

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True, I take so little of it that I probably won’t have any problems without it.

let us know how coming off the benzos goes. I’m trying to taper off them and I’m finding it difficult to say the least.

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Alright, I’ll keep you posted.
How much are you taking now?

Well this is good news for you @Minnii.

Yes, please let us know how you are doing with the tapering off the Benzos, I am currently on 0.5mg of Klonopin and one day plan on quitting.

Best of luck with Everything! :smile:

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With only 0.5 it’s easy to quit and just have it for SOS.

I’ll keep you posted, thank you @Wave :smile:


I’m only taking 0.5 Cloneazapam, I got chest tightness when I tried to quit cold turkey.

I remember that, sorry memory sucks.

Can you try reducing the dose or do you feel you need it?

Can you sleep well on xeplion?

Yes I can. I sleep 8/9 hours straight. I’ve been feeling sleepy during the afternoons, then taking naps and having trouble falling asleep at night.

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Ah k then you dont really need the benzo. Why have you gotten the prescription for it? To fall asleep better?

I had anxiety, paced a lot, couldn’t keep still. That’s over now

Really glad for you. Much better to live natural then taking meds, if you dont need them.

Well, thank you. But that’s not really the point. Benzos are addictive and I have a problem with addiction, so it’s more in that sense than the med itself.

Are you addicted to xeplion? :slight_smile: .

You dont really have a problem, if you can quit it, as you did weed? I see in your OP that you have a very encouraged mind and that youre serious when you say youre going to stop taking it.

I need xeplion, there’s a difference.

I don’t joke around with addiction.

Its cool, all the best to you.

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I wish you the best of luck Minnii. You can do it!

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Thank you Tree :blush: