all this bottles in the club nonsense makes me feel no reason to live. it just seems patently inhuman, stupid but also soul destroying.
if you ever feel down just give some crap like this a listen
all this bottles in the club nonsense makes me feel no reason to live. it just seems patently inhuman, stupid but also soul destroying.
if you ever feel down just give some crap like this a listen
You could try spotify. It presents you with new music based on what you like.
i want positivity to be in culture though. not just in history
i like that kind of theme
I’m noticing that modern hip hop romanticizes drug use, the “thug life” and promiscuity. Not my bag.
I wish Will Smith would make more music . Remember him? That guy is super talented
Every generation says this about the next generation’s music.
Er… Don’t suggest you listen to my little online station then.
hip hop today seems like a vehicle to entrench consumerism among poor uneducated people. you know, the whole wear this and that thing.
Ah, but that’s not music and doesn’t count.
(Sips tea, waits for head explosions…)
It does seem young people listen to dumber and dumber music.
Like that song that goes "Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang, my bitch love do cocaine"
like how is that an intelligent lyric, by any means?
i really dont know
That’s probably because pop music is pure garbage.
Listen to some Hatebreed; their music is loaded with positive messages, beyond the screaming vocals, etc.
Against all opposition;
crushing your limitations;
pure strength through solitude;
discipline and determination."
I think this is kind of an exciting time for music, especially with all the good indie singers/bands getting good exposure on the radio and other forms of mass media.
There’s a lot of gold out there, some radio stations will play it and others wont.
I usually just listen to a lot of stuff on YouTube, radio, or talk to other people to find out what a good band is.
On a side note, the Get-Up Kids have a new album coming out!!
Thanks to you @shutterbug I still can’t erase this little musical gem from my brain.
I’ve heard this song before. And I like it. What is wrong with it?
That sounds like a challenge. Is that a challenge?!?
Speaking of musical gems…