Post your favorite music from 2005 and onwards
(this is a playlist)
Post your favorite music from 2005 and onwards
(this is a playlist)
Too @anon8640148
You know motion city?
Can’t tell if I should be happy or sad over this video… good song though… dude looks depressed lol
It based on real events, and I think the guy in it is the actual person it’s based on.
I dig! good stuff
ah he’s not paralyzed he gets on the bike again
Outside of the death/black metal I listen to, I’d be hard-pressed to find any music since 2005 I enjoy. All the nu metal, “rock,” and pop is more than unappealing. I’m in kind of a niche market, and I realize that. That’s why I stick to CDs in the car instead of the radio.
Those guys are pretty rad haha
the wombats are alright too
Here is Music Mission Control in the basement of Casa Pixel:
A.K.A. “Podcasting Central”
Mixing up some Katy Perry.
damn son… looks like a store front… those little laptops lol
mission control come in…
I have yet to hear anything I like from modern music sigh
i like modern music exclusively
put this playlist on shuffle @Kellie
lemme know what you think:
I listen to a wide range, but I prefer newer stuff.
Holy phucking chit