Kansas? ok for the sake of putting the end to your ignorance? yeah Kansas…im sure that they have respectable people there,so sure im in Kansas .
Well it’s the centre of the country.
Kansas is the center of the US?
Where did you go to school man?
I’m interested now too, where this guy lives…
EDIT: I totally forgot I was talking to that guy.
hey ■■■■ you… don’t meth with kansas.
The geographical center of the united states disregarding island territories/states is…
schmack-dab at the center of the north end of Kansas… was rumored there is chicken coup there…
Dear Nerd Fitness,
what is this business i hear about macronutrients? I am trying to lose weight and some dude was like, no you won’t lose weight doing martial arts, you need to watch your macronutrients.
What do you recommend for getting rid of belly fat? besides lipsuction. I’ve been riding the yo-yo wave for about 5 years now, dropping and gaining from 145 to 190 pounds. Could these macronutrients have an impact? I was told an example of macronutrients is like protein, like eat x amount of protein per y amount of pounds you weigh…
That would be for gaining, not losing.
I’ve heard of the macronutrient idea before but without the label. I think you would have to take a class or get some training in the field of nutrition to be able to get that working properly.
Testing… Testing… Apathy, can you hear me?
I’ve been all soft up stairs for some time lately.
What’s “soft upstairs” mean? You having hearing problems?
Means I’m going dumb.
Well it’s better than having too many people upstairs, which I sometimes get.
I’m starting to get there. Thinking people can read my mind. First it was just at the Doctor’s Office, then it started happening at the gym.
Dude I haven’t been going to the gym anymore. That place is a huge trigger for me, i always feel like everyone is psychic.
Never been a nerd follow me…dork sure…what’s this? It’s a computer game “You dork” But never followed deep into nerd territory. Fitness? Jeez man I take a walk now and then at dusk but get me to join a gym and you might as welll have won a million bucks.
Yeah that can be a big trigger.
but you love the gym!!! nooooooo…not at your gym!
Can you make an early appointment with your doctor? That mind reading thing is really freaky.
We’ve already made the choice to up my med dose.