All my friends have mental illness, but right now, one in particular, B, is really struggling.
She keeps thinking I’m thinking bad thoughts about her.
I apologize for coming across the wrong way, then tell her I think the world of her and am grateful to have her as a friend.
This last time, she replied she just can’t stop believing I’m thinking the worst about her.
I don’t know what to do. I want to maintain our friendship, and don’t know how to help her realize I’m not thinking those thoughts at all.
Here’s an example: today, I told her another friend of mine, G, watches one of the shows I like and I was excited about it. My friend B replied that I was trying to say told you so about it. Told her so about what?!?! I don’t even know what she’s talking about! I explained no one I know is into the show and G is like I am so it was exciting to get to talk about it.
What do I do?!?! I don’t want to lose this friendship!
She’s going to have to figure this one out on her own.
Sounds like it’s not a healthy relationship right now.
Regardless of why she’s acting this way,
She’s treating you poorly.
Forcing you to apologize for things you didn’t do wrong.
It’s not right and I’d tell her you need space until she can get things under control.
She’s just going to continue to make you feel bad.
I’d have a very to the point conversation with her.
I’m just curious, is B also sz or sza?
She might be jealous of your friendship with your other friend and be worried she’s not your best friend anymore.
I guess just be honest with her and tell her how much you love her.
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@Montezuma B is diagnosed bipolar.
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Oh I see. Honestly it sounds like it’s just her mind playing tricks on her.
It definitely sucks though because it creates a wedge in your friendship.
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I explained to her that I’m sad she can’t see how much I care about her and our friendship. Her reply was that she wishes she could hear that right now but is unable to because all she can think is that I’m against her.
Maybe I should ask for a little less communication for a little bit?
She’s trying to make you feel bad.
I’d just stop communicating, period.
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I tell her that all the time, and recently each time she thought I was thinking badly about her.
She’s actually a really good person. She’s just struggling right now and I’m trying to figure out how to maintain our friendship through it all
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Is she taking any medication for her Bipolar?
My grandma is Bipolar, and she gets really nutty when she goes off her meds. I mean it’s like scary type ■■■■.
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She doesn’t want to have to take meds so she’s currently in a treatment program with Spravato (esketamine) that is used for both pain and depression. Medicaid is paying for it believe it or not! It’s $12,000 fir 12 weeks otherwise!!!
Anyway, it’s a mind altering drug that can cause people to hallucinate etc on the days they receive treatment. For 8 weeks, it’s twice per week, and then it’s once per week for the last 4 weeks.
She’s doing it once per week now, and didn’t get it this week because she’s physically not feeling well.
@Montezuma , the drug is supposed to reset your brain so you don’t need meds anymore
It sounds like it’s a little dangerous when it comes to the ole brain chemistry. But I’m just a beetle so what do I know?

I agree. I think it’s risky because it’s an hallucinogen. But even the University of Michigan does it now so it must help some people.
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Yeah, a lot of things are changing in psychiatry and medicine.
Who knows? My pdoc might prescribe me and ounce of dank one day.

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SPRAVATO is different from more experimental ketamine treatments.
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Ok. I don’t know much about it. But I know it helps some people