Missing my friend but

I’m not sure if I should contact her.

7 weeks ago, I told my friend I thought we needed a break because she hadn’t treated me well in a while and had been accusing me of thinking and saying things that I was absolutely not saying or thinking.

In her defense, she has untreated bipolar (she got a new pdoc and is lying so she doesn’t have to take a mood stabilizer. Instead, she got him to approve her for esketamine treatments for treatment resistant depression).

She also has borderline personality disorder.

I miss the good times but not the bad. I’m not sure what I should do


If she doesn’t treat you well i would leave her. I had a friend who kept asking me to pick him up, we only talk online now or hangout once or twice a year when my other friend picks him up.


Well, if she’s abusing you constantly then you aren’t losing much by cutting ties until she shapes up and starts treating you right again.


@Aziz @77nick77 Its just that she gets really angry over small things that could be calmly resolved.

For example, she told me her stomach was upset. The next day I asked, “how’s your tummy today?” She was furious! It was because I used the word tummy.


Oh yeah, totally legit reason to be angry :confused: . As a matter of fact, Im blocking you for using it twice in that sentence. Next thing you know you may say “belly”, and I wont be putting up with that crap.


Lol. It is pretty silly @Bowens Youre right, I should be laughing about it


Is there maybe a way you can let her know that you can resume the friendship when she starts a mood stabilizer again? It Sounds like she needs to be on one and then she’s a good friend to you again.


I don’t know that I want to put a stipulation on the friendship like that. If I really want to be her friend, I feel like I should be able to accept her as she is. Although, that’s what’s causing me to avoid her now

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