My best friend just told me

That he would rather not talk to me every again. He has sz and aspergers. I’m really hurting.

It seems like I may be having an episode. What do you do to get through


He’s probably just going through a lot right now and will resume the relationship when he feels better.

Just give it some time.

I’m sorry this happened to you,

Try not to take it to hard.

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Sometimes you just have to respect others wishes and realize that the problem is with them and not you.


I’m sure your friendship will normalize again.
Give it some time.

Try not to let it affect you so much.


You’re probably right. Last night, he told me on the phone to stop saying you know.

I’m going to wait it out. He’s worth it. Sometimes I don’t want to have contact w anybody. Thanks!

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You’re most likely correct. He’s moody sometimes. It’s just never been this way. I appreciate you.

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I hear what you’re saying. Best friends usually make up, right?

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Usually, yes @JustTrish

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Sometimes people say things they don’t mean and it causes doubt and confusion. I would give him space and wait it out. He may come around. If this is a reoccurring thing, I’d leave the relationship. I had a friend with untreated bipolar and she took her anger out on me when she felt angry. Since that’s all I was to her, a punching bag, I stopped being friends for good.

Did he give a reason?

Here for you! I ache over your loss. Those words hurt. Did you explain to him how you feel?

What symptoms are you experiencing that makes it feel you are having an episode?

Yes I agree with others he may come around. But I must say if it starts to become a roller coaster ride dealing with this person and you are hurt by him often. It may be for the better not to see him anymore.

Rarely does this happen. He’s never talked to me like this.
He answered the phone said he never walked to talk again and he hung up.
He didn’t give me a chance to speak.
I’m having major problems with my relationships.

I’ve not been treated unfairly by him until now.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. :worried:

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I feel for you, it’s never a good feeling to be treated like that- especially when it’s undeserved.
Happened to me, something similar, and I just kept my chin up and did the best I could each day.
Seven years it took, but they did come around to be friendly again…and I let them.

I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad that it was finally resolved. That gives me hope. Thank you!

Which relationships are being affected?

Do you still feel like you’re having an episode?

My best friend… he seems annoyed by me being me
A guy I almost dated is married and I should have known
Bob has been acting like I’m a burden reflected in the recent ways he’s been treating me
My stepmom and I just made our once basic relationship better. That happened today
My neighbor doesn’t say hi when I tell her hi.
A friend ghosted me when I told him about my financial situation.
Someone stopped pming me all of a sudden, and I don’t know why.
Other than happy birthday wishes, ghosted by another friend.

Sometimes I get delusional about friends and acquaintances. I think they care, when their actions show other wise. I get paranoid that everyone wishes I would just disappear.

That’s how I see it. Does it sound delusional? I tried to be as honest as possible.

Thank you for being honest!

Your best friend may have his own issues going on. Perhaps it isn’t you.

Has Bob called you a burden?

Wonderful about your relationship with your stepmom!

Don’t stop saying hi to your neighbor. Kindness goes a long way. It isn’t always reciprocated.

I’m sorry your friend pulled back. Maybe he is scared for you, feels hopeless on how to help you, or is afraid you want money from him.

Ask the person who stopped pming you why.

Tell your friend you miss him or her and ask if you can reconnect.

It doesn’t sound delusional to me, but I’m not an expert. It sounds more like paranoia and attachment/abandonment issues.

@JustTrish this is the best thing. I’m glad you’re aware that he might be going through something just like you have, especially since he has sz. Give him time.

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