Need advice please

Im thinking of letting my husband manage the money instead of having our own

He no longer gambles hasn’t for roughly ten yrs

Im a bit frivolous spending with unnecessary purchases mostly from catalogues

And we do need a different car within 5 years

If he had all my money too it would mean we could make it go further

Im not sure how I’ll feel with him having my money too?

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I am in charge of all money…my wife has a severe gambling addiction and can’t be trusted with very much cash or she runs off to the casino…when she gets her social security we are going to have a joint account and I am going to be in charge of it. no I will let her do anything with her money, but I won’t let her have access to all of it at once.

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I completely manage the bank accounts in our house. I don’t mind doing it. I get mad though cause he will want to spend large amounts suddenly and I say no because I’m supposed to just come up with hundreds of dollars at a moments notice and then we yell at each other for a while. It’s super healthy. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Perhaps compromise and give him some. If it works out, give him more to manage. It is entirely up to you and what you are comfortable with @anon29983254.

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Im mentally unstable and i can’t stick to decision about anything cos my mental illness goes bad and causes instability everyday. I feel inspired to want to save but when im having a rough night i purchase from the catalogues to make me feel better. I can’t trust myself with anything like decisions about money

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I have sz and personality disorder and anxiety

I like your suggestion @shutterbug i think i will try to transfer him a bit extra each week to save for his car

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