Name Change for Schizophrenia

Yes the stigma was lessened when manic depression was changed over to bipolar

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Moving from Asperger’s to ASD increased stigma for me. It’s why I’m keeping the old label and that anyone who doesn’t like it can arse off.


Im for changing the name. Preferably a name chosen by consensus by the people who will be called it or if not a name that factors in the actual reality of the illness and critical reasonings on ‘whats in a name’.

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My usual opinion is that if we are going to rename it we should call it Prince because in everyone’s mind it will still be the illness formerly known as schizophrenia.


Well im actually thinking of changing my name its like 400 bucks only. Well possibly more but the price to me is fair. I can retire my first last and middle name and have a name established for myself that not only fits me but that i choose and might help illuminate my aura a littld more clearly.

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I tested normies with various terms, psychosis, long term psychosis, sz…
Gonna use “disorganized disorder”, and probably date someone in future…

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Five bucks says the bloom will come off that rose the next time a member of our tribe kills someone and eats their corpse on a Greyhound bus.

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Oh gosh @shutterbug

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It won’t do nothing look at bipolar/manic depression nothing changed stigma wise

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Wow, man, couldn’t even read it (shoots out of anger @shutterbug in ankle)… :slightly_smiling_face:

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The incident was so horrible it caused Greyhound ridership to plummet to the point that they discontinued most of their bus routes in Canada. You mention schizophrenia in Canada and Vincent Li comes to mind. Another occurrence like that and whatever the new name for SZ is will be permanently tarnished, too.

The best way for us to reduce stigma isn’t a name change. It’s to encourage everyone else we know with this illness to take their meds and follow medical advice. Bad things can happen when some of us go off meds or aren’t on them to begin with. The more people we get complying with treatment, the fewer horrible incidents there will be in the news.


ME :“I have these symptoms”
DR: “You have schizophrenia”
ME: “What does that mean”
DR: “You have these symptoms”
ME: “What does the word mean”
DR: “split mind”
ME: “Do I have a split mind?”
DR: No


Hah. Watch me trying to decide between eating tacos or trying to fit into my skinny jeans.