The lab tests done. I’m in a lot of pain and they still haven’t done the prior auth for me to get the antibiotics I need. I’ve had this infection since mid last week. I called to complain this morning. I don’t understand what the hold up is
You need to be more assertive.
This is your health.
Do what I do and call them back.
If they don’t get things done,
Say fine.
I’ll just keep calling and calling every thirty minutes until I get what I want.
They’ll get you taken care of.
They won’t like you, but you’ll get things moved forward.
Ok. I’ll try that. I’m just nervous about doing that because I need this dr and don’t want him to fire me as a patient. This is the sub specialist at UofM
Tell them that.
Tell them you don’t want to be annoying or anything,
But you have an active infection that is spreading and you’re in pain.
You have to advocate for you.
You don’t have to be mean,
You just have to be persistent.
Ok. Thanks @Charles_Foster . I’ll call them again now
I agree with @Charles_Foster keep calling them. Thats what i do.
I called a couple times today, plus sent a couple online chart messages to the dr. Eventually something has got to happen
Honestly, @LilyoftheValley,
You may need to be hospitalized.
Considering the amount of infection, the urgency and the pain,
I’d say it’s an emergency.
It’d get you relief and get your doctor’s attention.
I’ll give it today. If I don’t hear back, I’ll go to the ER
Just be aware of your body and if you need to go, go.
Ok. Thanks @Charles_Foster
I agree you should go to the hospital.
Hope you get better from this soon.
Thanks @SacredNeigh7
Yes definitely consider going to the ER @LilyoftheValley
Wishing you well
If you go to the ER, probably better to go before 5 so you don’t end up with the night shift
I would probably go to the ER. They can quickly give you antibiotics via IV that are strong and fast working. Sounds like you need them.
Agreed. This seems like an ER situation
@anon55031185 @Ninjastar @Wave
They finally called me in a script. Hopefully it works.
@Charles_Foster is mostly right. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
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