I fear I have an UTI

I have to go frequently and it hurts/stings. I hope my doctor can get me in today. I don’t want to go to the emergency room. But I really think I need antibiotics. The last UTI I had went to my kidneys. That was awful.


Yep UTI’s are not to be messed with. Does your health care cover the ER? It might be needed

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yes, it’s covered. I just hate bothering them

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If you have a history of kidney involvement I wouldn’t risk waiting too long. Especially in the summer heat

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It’s not quite 5 am. The doctor opens at 8 am. Emergency is opened now, but I would have to wake my ex up.

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Oh I think you could wait 3 hours ok. You got a fever or chills?

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no fever or chills, just minor discomfort.

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If I were you I would wait till 8am and try and speak to your doc. But if you start getting flank pain, fever, chills or increased hallucinations go straight to ER

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ok, I will. Thanks Jim

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Do you have any cranberry juice? When I have symptoms, I get some. Helps flush bad stuff until you can get antibiotics.


I was on the ward as a patient one time and this guy in his 60s got admitted. He was having intense hallucinations and general delerium. He was feeding invisible cats and stuff.

Turns out he had a UTI which had caused all these hallucinations

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No I don’t have any, but I am going to get some for the pantry in case this happens again.

Get some garlic capsules, too. I cleared up several UTIs with garlic.

I get them frequently. The worst I ever had went up and got my kidneys. So painful.

Hope you get to the doctor soon.


I had a roomy the first time I was hospitalized, who peed the bed and was delusional and it turned out she had a kidney infection and was in loads of pain.

I’ll see about it soon, I just went again and it didn’t burn as bad so I think the water is helping.


I do home remedies for mine unless they’re bad. I can’t mention one because it involves alcohol.

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I would recommend you to see a doctor! I used to have one and my doctor prescribed me medicine for it. It went away pretty quickly.

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You can pick up Azo’s or Cystex from a convenient store. They will relieve pain in thirty minutes, and can hold you over till you see a Dr. I always have some on me cause I get utis all the time, since I was a baby. They’re awful.


Fun fact:
In greece we call uti the musical instrument oud

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