I know I have a uti and it’s the weekend. Where do I go to get antibiotics or probiotics? Without having to go to the ER. I woke up with pain and have peed so much in two hrs. If I go to the ER it’s a big Bill for something so small. I have finished a full thing of cranberry juice. And it just burns.
Infections are dangerous and need attention. Over here there’s no other thing but a doctor but we have basically no cost doctors. They bulk bill the government. I know your system sucks but I wouldn’t mess around with any infections.
Yeah, I may just have to run up there. I can’t let it get as bad as puss coming out of my bladder. Which I’ve had btw. Nasty business, it was. Thank you
Yeah it’s still serious business. I get this weird infection on my forehead. I think it’s some bug I picked up when I lived over there in the US. Every 5 years or so I end up in the hospital on a drip getting iv antibiotics. That really sux.
Don’t risk it and get to a doc.
Oh boy. That sounds like serious business. You may have to suffer a bill than suffer with pain. Many of us have had to deal with doc bills. It sucks but they are usually willing to work with you if you stay adamant. Hope you feel better.
Do you have an urgent care you can go to? A walk in clinic? Walgreens and CVS sometimes have walk in clinics in some locations
I’ll check that out. I believe we have an urgent care.
@ThePickinSkunk @LED @rogueone while I wait. I have had more bladder infections this year and blood in my urine every time or pus. I’ve been ignoring these symptoms for a while now. I’m afraid of being told I have bladder cancer. My family doctor gasped at the pus one and asked if I’ve had a full blood follow up. I lied and told her I had. The truth is I’m scared of seeing a urologist.
Get help sooner rather than later. Most problems are easier to deal with till you leave them so don’t be afraid. Could be a simple solution or it could be complex but it’s always in your best interest to get it dealt with.
I’ve a form to go get some regular bloodwork. I do a year but soon there’s bowel screening and other things. Not really looking forward to it but I do it because you need to get those problems when they are small and fixable! Be strong. Get some treatment.
Thanks @rogueone I’ll let this doctor know. My husband works with two urologist in the OR. He said he’ll ask them about seeing me in a bit.
Keep strong. It’s stressful but rather you be healthy than worry about things. Hugs.
Sorry to hear that. I would just keep drinking a shedload of water, hopefully to flush it out - until you can see a doc. Ive pissed razor-blades myself with a UTI - so i feel your pain.
I understand how you feel. This has little bearing on your present condition but at the age of 35 I needed a prostate exam because my psa was high. It was nerve wracking and somewhat humiliating. But I did it and was cleared of prostate cancer. That brought peace of mind. I don’t like getting scoped in all the ways the human body can be scoped but somehow every time I say to myself afterwards, well now I know. Peace of mind is one of the few things that we can genuinely pursue.
yea get it checked out hey !!
They said I may have to have a cystoscopy. Oh dear. Now I’m crying. Oh… I don’t want my husband’s colleagues looking at me down there.
Is this a very small clinic? Because you have every right to say who looks where. And if you need a cystoscopy please make sure you tell them how nervous you are and don’t let them dismiss you with that it’s gonna to go such and such. Make them work to make you comfortable. You’ll be okay but first work on the immediate problem which is your pain.
No, I went to the ER.
Please let us know how you turn out after you get treated. I’ll be thinking of you.
Thank you @ThePickinSkunk I will
I hope you’re feeling better by now.