My step dad is a jerk

I’m trying the best I can to be nice, but no matter what he acts like he hates me. He yells at me and all I do is sit back and take it. I want to talk back but don’t want to stoop to his low level.

What should I do? I can’t ignore him because he’s always with my mom.

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Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

It’s a tricky situation. He has nearly all the power. If it’s like other situations Ive seen he probably wants you out of the house. I would show that youre making progress atleast towards moving out

I don’t live with him. I have my own apartment.

Stop respecting him. This means don’t be nice, but don’t be directly rude either. More like let his words and opinions be meaningless to you if that makes sense.

Only you know exactly how to tacle it. But there’s no point in being nice to someone who doesen’t respect you. Ofcourse him being family complicates the situation. It would be a lot easier if it was someone outside relations.

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Tell him to ■■■■ off

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My stepmom is very mean and rude.

I only see my dad a couple times a year and I try to just know that’s who she is and not let it bother me.

If she’s totally out of line I’ll call my mom or sister and get it off my chest. Then I go back to just letting it go.

I don’t want to get violent. I want him to see my point of view.

Does she provide needed support to you? If not, you always have the option of just telling her you’ll only see her when he isn’t around. Like, you can invite her over for tea. And then just don’t go to their place or let him into yours. Disclaimer: I have used this tactic often, and it frequently results in the person just never talking to me anymore.


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