Wait, you’re paying rent?!? You need a lock ASAP.
I’m only paying part of the rent. About 400 dollars of the 500 I get monthly. I mean the thing is I also don’t get much for hygiene supplies either. I get 30 dollars a month for EVERYTHING I need…including hygiene supplies, spending money…
NO don’t try to kill them
Better be simple
But you are paying rent. I don’t know what the law is there but that should give you the right to put a lock on your door even if they don’t like it. I agree ninjastar and LED that you should look into a group home whenever you get the chance.
Oh, I don’t want to kill HER, SHE wants to do that to me.
And I know. However, they think that I will be up to something with a lock. They think I might try something dumb, which kinda…Is a legitimate concern.
I don’t have proper advice because I’ve never been in your situation, but from am outside perspective…
Have you discussed with your brother his wife’s moods and general mistreatment?
Obviously talking to her hasn’t de-escalated your problem so maybe have a 1 on 1 with bro.
I have dealt with the delusional worries of people killing me. (Not saying youre being delusional, just to clear it up)
Obviously someone will say no if confronted about it, but whenever I’ve gotten this fear i just watch them from afar like if they’re making dinner i would read at the table so i could mage sure there was no cyanide or floor cleaner being dumped in.
I apologize for not being much help, but i hope your living situation gets resolve
I read this whole thread
I really feel for you
I know extension cords are hard to come by in my house
but they’re relatively cheap to go out and buy
I wonder why when she got decorations she didn’t pick one up?
you would not like living in a group home, unless you found an agency
that would work with transitioning from some kind of substance abuse
for the mentally ill where everyone is very high functioning, and they are
trying to get into work and get a stable life.
@Schizophrenic_Raven I’ve been thinking more about this and was wondering if you’re able see about getting your own apartment? Not sure what country you’re in, but like here in the US there’s section 8 and other low income housing. The waiting list can sometimes be a little long, but it’s something possibly?
I understand. It sounds like a really hard situation. Maybe there is a group home where you have your own room? Would you consider renting a room from someone you don’t know?
The government is cruel giving you only $500 per month. It’s not some third world country.
Well…I’ve tried talking to him about it…He just brushed it off. Even after I told him it was EXTREMELY dangerous to unplug my CPAP he just didn’t respond, and when I told him she’s been nothing but a B**** he just shrugged it off and said, “She’s one to me too, you just gotta deal with it.” Thing is she’s soft with him. She never makes him do housework, instead she gets mad at ME if I don’t do it. “Cause his back is injured.” Thing is…My entire body is constantly in pain. I have just a hard time bending over to pick things up or put them away as he does, yet when I try to say that she just glares and says, “You’re able-bodied and are just trying to get out of working.” Plus, with my PTSD my muscles are constantly tense. It makes it painful to be out of my bed half the time. I also might have undiagnosed fibromyalgia and have a hard time standing a lot. Yet he gets off the hook cause “His back is injured.” And he just…doesn’t care. I hate saying that cause he’s family, but then again my entire family is toxic… I doubt my other family members would help me either. There is a recurring theme of casting out the black sheep.
My parents couldn’t deal with me cause I’ve got serious mental and personality disorders (Schizophrenia, PTSD, and possible DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder, right now it’s just speculation, but would explain why a couple of these voices don’t go away even when I’m actually on my AP meds, when my other voices who don’t say they take me over DO actually go away while on APs), as well as Anti-social Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder…and I’m autistic on top of that), and they sent my youngest sister (Who is 16) to live with my oldest brother and his girl cause they couldn’t handle her either, and saw her at fault after she and my “Perfect other younger sister” got into a fight (My other sister is babied by my parents cause she is just a carbon copy of our dad and so is never at fault for anything). They treated her badly after I moved out, cause they were targeting me before that, though they called it “Tough love.”
So yeah, huge history of just carting their own kids they can’t deal with off after treating them horribly (And they wonder why a mental health facility took me out of there as soon as I turned 18). Plus they have very harsh views on mental illness. When I was younger they would always tell me to get married and have babies, and carry on our family line. NOW, after I’ve been diagnosed with serious mental health disorders, my parents have straight up told me “If you are REALLY Schizophrenic, you need to be sterilized. If you are REALLY telling the truth about these diagnoses, you need to have yourself sterilized and not have kids.” (even though they KNOW I want kids eventually… and my parents–my father in particular-- are always ranting and raving about some mentally ill person or a person who was seriously bullied person who shot up a school-which is probably how I might have turned out truth be told, if I didn’t believe strongly against murdering while not defending myself- and say, “They need to get a census of all mentally ill people and sterilize them, let that gene pool die off”
So yeah, I can never go to my family for help. I cant deal with their bull anymore.
@Dreamer See, only issue is…Even with Section 8 housing (I live in Utah) I am by law not allowed to live alone due to “increased risk of suicide.” Stupid, I know, but I’ve had a history of suicide attempts whenever I’m alone.
@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter I cannot rent a room from a stranger if it’s a man, especially if there is no lock on the door of the room I’d be renting. I’ve had a bad experience with strangers, particularly men. And being in a house with a guy I don’t know kicks up my PTSD badly. If a group home exists where I can have my own room, I will gladly take it.
Well I’m sorry you’ve had/are having such a rough time @Schizophrenic_Raven. I can relate to some of your stuff as I’m diagnosed with PTSD and Panic Disorder along with a new diagnosis of unspecified personality disorder, along with my schizoaffective. My family has a habit of treating me different because I’m the black sheep too. Only one diagnosed with mental illness that we know of. Only saving grace for me is my abusers have passed on. If you can I would go with the group home if you can have your own room. I get the thing with roommates and sometimes becoming homicidal with them. Not sure if it’s the personality disorder thing or PTSD for me, or a combination of both, but I get it.
Thanks. I should be so lucky if my family disowns me or passes on…Harsh to say, I know…But even if they brought me into this world? They aren’t my family…not really. They always say blood is thicker than water, but when it comes down to it I’m not really their kid even though they brought me here. Besides, I havent been attached to them for a long time, even as a teen. Prolly the Sociopathy talking. But meh.
Not necessarily harsh. Or at least I don’t think so. I haven’t had any attachment to my family except two of them since I was born. And only one friend since then. I’m still in the process of exploring the personality disorder side of my diagnosis, although antisocial personality disorder has been mentioned. So yeah.
Though…I rarely feel much around these people, and Sociopaths DO feel a lot even if they don’t outwardly show it. Me…Any emotion I feel, it’s just pure hatred and anger at them all. So I dunno, I don’t feel like I’m a sociopath…
I can’t say as I’m not a professional and don’t know much about it in general. I usually either feel numb, angry, bored, apathetic, or occasionally sad. Very few moments of joy/happiness. But that could be attributed to my sza.
yeah. Same here to be honest. All negative emotions, but to me they’re more normal than actual happiness. My dad says Sociopathy runs in the family though, but I think my dad is actually more likely a psychopath. Cause he says what he thinks, without remorse for what he says. Like…none whatsoever.
From my understanding psychopathy is more genetic and sociopathy is more environment. At least that’s what I’ve read. I think there’s also slightly varying symptoms/severity if I remember correctly. My father was the same as far as no remorse. I guess you could say I have very little remorse, but I don’t go around just treating people badly for no reason like my father did to me. But I always say what I mean and mean what I say.
Yeah. Thing is, my grandpa was the same way. So I think it DOES run in my family. I don’t really treat people badly for no reason either, but I think extremely harsh things in my head whenever I talk to them, even if polite outwardly. I’ve gotten…slightly better with it, but it’s still a normal thing for me to do. Especially cause I’m uber cautious around people I don’t know. Honestly though I’m alive because of how I think and feel, so…