I don’t know how to start. My mom has a good relationship with my pdoc since before getting a diagnosis. Mom always enters with me at pdoc appointments and hears everything i say and after my prescription only pdoc and mom talks between them. Me waiting outside.
I am sure 100 percent my mom and pdoc have a conspiracy. Either 1) they want to get rid of me by putting me in a mental institution like forever, yes we have such in my country. Either 2) My family wants me to be homeless. I will explain better:
My older brother has 2 daughters. First daughter has a godfather which was one person who worked in my mental hospital in the ward i was. Coincidence? No never.
Second daughter of my brother has a godfather also a person who works in my hospital. Coincidence? I cannot believe this but it’s real 100%.
I have two options: 1) Get off disability and try to live a normal life with or without meds. Also to get a job. 2) Pretend like nothing is going on (faking) until i will loose my ■■■■■■■ Mind because everywhere i am watched by my family and hospital workers.
What advice would you give me? I am not paranoid or delusional. These are real things happening to me. I am waiting some replies…
They don’t have hippa laws in your country. Here they can’t disclose much information to others about the patient, and they can’t even talk to them without a release
I have a feeling you’re just paranoid and I hope this is the truth. !!
I thought the same thing 2 years ago.
I was highly delusional and paranoid.
I was soon involuntarily committed to a high security psychiatric hospital - two times for about 5 weeks.
You are being paranoid @anon51414962.
Your family is not conspiring against you.
Call your psychiatrist.
no dude, you are being unstable I bet from how you explained it…please don’t take your life…listen to reason…your mom loves you…I know this. she wouldn’t plot anything with your pdoc…you sound delusional…
I keep thinking how come 2 workers from my hospital is now relative with my brother. How could you explain that? They met in one night? Something is real fishy here
Sometimes these things just happen. It doesn’t mean anyone is conspiring against you. We don’t think you are stupid, it’s just paranoia getting the best of you.
I too thought my family was conspiring against me. I even thought they wanted to kill me. It all seemed really logical at that time and i saw all sorts of signs. Im feeling a lot better now, i am still very much alive, my family is not perfect but loves me and wants the best for me and we just had a cosy lunch together.
You really do need help. You need to talk to a doctor or nurse, is there one you do trust?
I am paranoid too that the government is watching me. We have to tell ourselves that these are delusions. You’re experiencing a delusion, that’s all. Nothing more. Try to calm down, is there anything you can do to calm down? It’ll be okay @anon51414962.
I’m sorry you can’t sleep. I know these ideas can make it hard to sleep, especially in the beginning. You say you are calm, that’s good. Maybe get out of bed for a while, get a snack and a drink, watch some TV. Something to ease your mind. I am rooting for you. I am sure you will be okay. Are you feeling suicidal? If so you need to tell someone. I told my mom and so we’re dealing with it. She told me that if you need to slow your thoughts down to breathe in with your nose and out through your mouth. Good thoughts in, bad thoughts out.
Sometimes the things we see as proof are not in fact proof but we see them that way because we are ill. It’s probably not proof, just your brain reading too much into things. I only know because I do it too, and in the moment it’s hard to overcome, but I promise you, it is just a delusion, not real.
I know how that is. There’s something people here want me to tell my pdoc that I can’t tell him because I don’t want to be hospitalized and disappoint my mom. Maybe you could tell your mom? Do you think you can do that? Or maybe your brother? Maybe they can help you out and tell you how to proceed. Or maybe you should just take a chance and tell your pdoc. I know that is hypocritical coming from me. I’m sorry. I wish I had better advice.