My pdoc says I have catastrophic thinking

And this is a cause of my anxiety. I overanalyse everything and think about the worst outcomes. Do you have the same?


I used to. L-theanine got rid of it for me. Now I’ve switched to beta alanine instead of L-theanine and it still hasn’t come back.

Having said that, I still take 2 L-theanine pills a day (as opposed to 6) so maybe L-theanine is still working it’s magic :thinking:

Do you find it better than the L theanine

I do. but I also have had unreal amount of bad luck and bad treatment.

If I told you all of the major crappy things through out my life you would not believe me. The volume of it would make you think I have to be lying.

I dont know why others do it, I am just trying to navigate (survive) my predicted future based on my past.

Yes. Definetely. I was using L-theanine for anti anxiety and this beats it hands down.

There are pros and cons though.

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I have an Olympic gold medal in catastrophic thinking.


I have catastrophic type thinking big time!
It’s a constant thing with me.
It’s hard to deal with honestly.


Negative thinking is terrible unless you can positive thinking
Try widen your mind by reading
This may help

Tell him he’s going to catch the plague and no one survives it.


I do think about worst outcomes. Just cos my thinking can be thorough. N by knowing worst outcome I can try n do wat I can to alleviate its horror before it has the chance to arrive.

Yeah I have GAD so i was doing a lot of catastrophic thinking learned about it in coping skills class. When my anxiety gets out of hand it can be delusional like.

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

I find this is mostly because we don’t know what to feel. When you don’t know what to feel you start over-thinking…

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