My mom doesn't understand my sz

She makes me feel guilty about being sick in the head. Idk how to help her understand what I’m going through due to my apathy.

It’s stressful for families, support groups would help, and if she is your caregiver, she could be having tension and other feelings. The family section here really helps. Going to therapy together or talking to your therapist or doctor about this would help. I hope she can come on here, do some research and learn about your illness. Maybe you can get someone else who understands to talk to your mother about your illness. Printing out information on your illness online could help and you can give it to here. or have information. The more your mom know about your illness from a qualified professional the better. I really hope she can get on here to this forum, it would help. There are topics here on family.

My mom’s the same with my anxiety. She’s said things like “My life is way more stressful than yours and you don’t see me complaining. Get over it.” When I was depressed she said she was sad I was sad, but when I asked her if I could see a therapist she freaked out and said no because why would I want to tell my problems to a stranger and they would just put me on all kinds of meds and mess me up. When I would tell her about the monsters/demons/ghosts I was paranoid about and thought were after me she would just tell me it’s not real and I should forget about it.

I really wish there was some kind of education program for families who have a relative diagnosed. Like we go in for therapy and they go see someone to educate them on what we experience.

Thank you both.

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