My Mother Doe's Not Wanted To Understand My Paranoid SZ In Denial

My Mother Doe’s not want to understand my Paranoid SZ, I have told her to read up on it so she can understand.It is like she is not interested,in denial over my condition and no help to me at all.Had a argument with her on Saturday Night about but it has made no difference at all.Any advice please

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I had this problem with my parents at the begining. But they started to read about schizophrenia and they listened to me when I told them about my symptoms. Now they understand that I have a mental illness and they accept the situation.


Make her see a therapist
Family therapy


So, first denial is not something that goes away with education. Denial only goes away after addressing the denier’s emotional issues. (Fear, shame, stigma, ignorance, etc.) That will of course be rough, you have sz and you really shouldn’t have to deal with the additional burdens of someone else’s emotions on top of your own symptoms, but it may just be something you have to get through.

An important thing to consider is how important your parent’s acceptance really is to you. A person in denial of someone’s sz rarely gives any helpful advice to that person. Are you ok with a perpetually unhelpful parent? Is this parent sabotaging your efforts to get better (like discarding medications, cancelling appointments, etc.) or just not providing any support? How dependent are you on the individual? If you can find some other support it may be helpful to avoid this person to the extent possible. A parent in need of change is rarely going to listen to their own child lecture them. For a completely unhelpful parent, the only leverage you really have is to remove yourself from their lives, to the extent possible.

The last thing I would add is that you don’t deserve to be abused or mistreated just because someone’s ignorant. Don’t lose faith in the idea that you and your illness are worth understanding.

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You could ask your doctor to talk to your mother.

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