I feel so sad, my mother just can’t come to terms with my schizofrenia.
This week I have a cold and I’m also switching medications, I was on risperdal and it was cousing lots of healt issues, so now I’m taking Seroquel, but the transition is not easy, I had a very big psicotic break yesterday, I was bopuncing off the walls and crying and the voices were so strong, I had to take some clonex and waited out. My mother lives with me, so she saw me like that, and despite seeing this situation, today she acted like the only reason I feel bad is because of my cold.
She didn’t even want to mention my crazynes.
I’m sorry that you have a cold and are going through a med change at the same time.
As for your mom… As a parent I can say that it is not always easy knowing what you can or can’t talk about when it comes to sz and symptoms. She may not know or feel like it is ok for her to talk or ask about your sz.
Do you and your mom have a close relationship?
kinda lyke how I am with my dad ,
I ask him questions or some sort of advice ,
he has NOTHING ,
so I sit there and repeat myself , NOTHING ,
things have gotten better but its because I am trying to be the adult here ,
sometimes you haVe to be thee adult even tho you haVe no idea to get throo ,
trust me you wont get much advice out there ,
its kinda lyke not caring about it n e mo ,
and when you swiftly run throo all that ,
you end up finding the rising sun ,
I was once sent to a lock up facility for saying one sentence to my mom ,
then I was locked up with the community health center ,
hopefully you wont have to go throo that ,
jus b safe witcha werdz ,
soz in advance iv thus is noh help …
My husband is the same way. He just doesn’t get it. I’ll bring him to my pdoc so she can tell him why I don’t “work” like before. That I have psychotic episodes.
As a mom also-I dont bring up my son
s illness much. He told me that he was tired of always talking about it.
Maybe your mom is doing the same?
I hope you get through this rough spot soon OO
Not having support can be the hardest thing. I’m really sorry she hasn’t come around.
I still remember trying to tell my mom about my issues. I was starting out with the less…erm, psychotic ones so I just told her about the painful anxiety I was experiencing (which I didn’t have a name for and called depression at the time). She told me that everyone gets sad and that her life was more stressful than mine so I should just suck it up, I wasn’t mentally ill like the homeless people that wandered the streets.
Meanwhile, me being in so much pain that I was constantly being barraged with suicidal desires I had to take matters into my own hands and seek out my school psychologist. Sometimes it’s about reaching out and finding support when you can’t get it from those around you. Even if it hurts that you can’t get it from you it might have mattered most to have it from.
you know your cold may well have been the starting point for your bad day where your mental health is concerned, aswell as the change in meds so she may only be half wrong… some parents also don’t understand mental illness but it doesn’t mean that they love you any less. i know you’re suffering but try and give your mum a break. i’m sure she loves you regardless of your mental state. my parents aren’t the best at understanding my problems but i do know that they care. maybe try and educate her a little once you’re feeling better. maybe buy her a book on sz? anyway, i hope you feel better soon hunni x
oddly enuff I think of tha book A SCANNER DARKLY ,
but it could be because I was in L.O.V.E. ,
hmm ,
but without the love such as that I haVe no idea if it would be helpful …
Maybe she’s in denial.