It all generates from the time I foiled a prowler from getting in the house. what was he going to do? did he just want to rob us or…did he want to torture us? From there my mind drifts through bloody details of the torture killings I’ve heard about before. Awful thoughts concerning this. Some days I can have a free mind and be happy but today my brain wins. I’m exhausted emotionally.
Im sorry to hear that hopefukky tommorrow brings better days.
You keeping up with a pdoc? Have you tried personal therapy.
We are just human beings man, capable of good and evil. The unpleasantness of human existence are very hard to hide from if you want to be realistic at all.
You sound like you are depressed these days… Things will get better, but you have to fight for it.
My thoughts get dark dude… hilariously dark for the sake of my own humor. It’s not like I’m ever going to act on them.
You gotta just learn to let some things go… you can’t change the past. The prowler was disrespectful and looking to take whatever it is he wanted… probably because he was some uneducated schmuck coming from the wrong side of society. You FOILED him! That’s exactly what was supposed to happen. Your lack of understanding of him is just a sign that you are a good man.
Intrusive thoughts are a pain. I get them sometimes. Had some last night actually… but sometimes they can be a platform for growth and acceptance that we cannot control nor understand everything.
This is just me trying to help. It sucks to see you down man. Sounds like you could use some rest and maybe a drive in the sun with the windows down.
Good luck man!
@Azley thank you a drive with the windows down is how I drive around and it is releasing to feel the wind. I’m just growing old with nothing to show for it. I look forward to Heaven though so I’m never really that depressed, it’s just situational right now being so poor.
The life of the disabled… I feel ya brother.
I hope you feel better soon. I struggle with being poor too.
Maybe this will cheer you up?
That was really courageous to fight of the prowler.
I’m sorry you are having intrusive thoughts. That is really distressing.
If only the intrusive thoughts could be more positive, hey. Like commending you on how brave you were.
I am sorry you felt down recently, jukebox. If the intrusive thoughts happened very often, speak to your pdoc and seek a medical change. You are brave!