Because of this episode i just know it. I blurted something innapropriate in class and lost the respect of one of my professors who i was going to ask for a grad school recommendation from and ive been missing classes in the other one i was going to ask a letter from. Im a high A student this is devastating for me
Just let the proffessor know, that your stressed and having a ruff time with a personnal problem. I am sure he or she will understand.
I have told her vaguely whats going on she just didnt seem too understanding
Then be honest with her about your condition. I am sure she will then understand better.
Thats terrifying
I know it sounds terrifying, but if you write it in a note it will be less scary.
Your future will only be ruined if you lack the courage to take proper action to keep it in line as well as staying focused on a goal. you need to carefully write her a letter explain( what your comfortable with sharing to her ), and things … I guarrente will be better for you in the long haul / run.
I aaked her to do an online meeting with me so if she does ill explain it there. I think emailing her would make it worse because she doesnt respond to emails much but shes very talkative and nice in person
Just try to remain calm and focus when talking with her. And take deep breathe before and during your conver sation with her to help remain calm and focused which will show her you are struggling for what your goal is.
Ill try 1515151
Professors are very kind, if you talk to them, usually. I had to tell my professor about my mental illness, and he was very kind. He gave me extensions on my assignments and got me a tutor for his class. I was very grateful for his understanding. They don’t know anything unless you tell them, you have extenuating circumstances.
I don’t think it’s ruined. I think it’ll help when you talk with your professor. I hope the meeting goes well
If you are diagnosed with Schizophrenia your future likely won’t go the same as you were hoping for
If you are born with high intelligence though, the courses of illness isn’t quite as severe
I was told my IQ is around 130
With willpower or resilience you can make a difference to what you expect of a bad prognosis. Believe in yourself
I started this career path after being diagnosed, im doing everything i can to keep it.
May the journey be easier than expected, all the best, very admirable
Idk if this is true. I was an A+ student until I got sz in university. Now I stay in bed most of the time, cant work and cant study. This is severe sz for me.
I learned in abnormal psych that having a higher intelligence makes you able to function higher but it still varies. I imagine if your intelligence was lower you might be even more impaired
There is a high iq subset
Or a low iq subset
Or both
I don’t remember but it is linked to having distinct advantages apart from any you would get when iq alone is accounted for