My fishies

Here’s a pic I took of my goldfish :blush: Next week I am planning to buy two more fish to add to the collection.
From Left to right: Gloop, Comet and Speckles :blush: The pic came out a little blurry because the fish swim so fast! lol they don’t want to sit still! :smile:


Great names for goldfish!

Are they alive i wonder?

If so then we must sterilize all fish so that they don’t have to do that.

“Great question little dude! Are the fish alive? If so then they are in there doing that, that would be hideous wouldn’t it. Imagine the ones in the ocean, now that is bad living right there. Maybe they aren’t alive though to be honest, maybe they are no different than robots, able to do things but not alive.” Says voice in my head.