Got some fish for the new tank. I’m doing what’s called a fish-in cycle which means the fish are in during the cycle of the tank. So, I’m testing the water very regularly for signs of high ammonia. I’m also using a special product to put in the water daily to break down the ammonia.
There aren’t many fish in yet. But in a few weeks I hope to add more.
Awesome. How many gallons have you got? Can you post a pic? We have a tropical tank too. Fiancé got a lot of vouches at Christmas for the aquarium, so we’ll be getting some more fish soon.
What kinda fish are they?
I’m guessing some sort of tetra?
We kept tetra fish when I was younger, and let me tell you, Neon Tetra are a pain to keep alive. Sooo sensitive to temperature changes, can die from stress easily.
We also had some bettas and kryptopterus. I loooved the Bettas, especially the siamese ones with the fancy colours
That’s really cool. My ex used to have African cichlids and that were very aggressive. If you walked around the room they would swim back and forth intent on watching you. They did that to my ex too