Got some cute fishies today :-)

So at last I got a pet - well, three - and I am so happy! My husband agreed I can keep fish so I bought an aquarium set and three cute little goldfish today. I named them Comet, Gloop and Speckles. In the future I want to get a few more fish to add to the collection. Its as good as a TV and much more soothing to the eye! :blush:


I’ll keep my cats away lol!

Collecting fish as pets, is a relaxing hobby - Good luck @Hadeda! :grinning:

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bunny :rabbit: hug for Comet
bunny :rabbit: hug for Gloop
bunny :rabbit: hug for Speckles
take care :alien:


I’m glad you’re enjoying the new tank. The new fish sound very cool. Goldfish are cool.

My sis and I share a salt water tank… I’m addicted to puffer fish… they just look so optimistic. The fish tank is great for relaxation.

What helped my fish… was buying a food timer. You can set it and it will feed the fish if you can’t be home.


wow, I’ve always wanted another aquarium like the one I had growing up. good for you.

I had fish tacos for dinner tonight but I’m still hungry. Don’t let me near your fish.

**Love those names @Hadeda! :tropical_fish: **