Two new fish to add to my collection

I bought two new goldfish today to add to my collection, one is fat and orange, I called Splat, and the other is a sleek gold one I called Honey. They are adjusting to life with Comet, Gloop and Speckles. So far so good :blush:


Awesome I love fish. Great pets!!

@Hadeda seems sounds pretty i also like fish esp gold fish…

Very cool. I haven’t added a fish for a while. Your fish sound fun. I love my fish. They add a nice sense of calm to my room.

Good for you @Hadeda I used to have an Aquarium as a teen, fish are relaxing

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I keep cichlids and parrot fish for some time. Very relaxing to watch.

I keep thinking about getting fish .
…then I forget about it, maybe this week.

Can you please advise me on the best fish’s to get for aesthetic and ease of care .

Cichlids are fresh water and very smart…for fish. There are a huge variety of temperaments and colors as well. Would be a good place to start I believe.

Parrot fish are great too, just a little pricier and difficult to keep. If I had to choose now, I’d have a discus tank.

Well how much is a BIG tank? Im thinking about using it as a center piece for the room.

and it will be the wall between the kitchen and dining area

100 gallon is a big tank and prices can soar into the 1000s depending on the type of fish, water, filtration, etc.
A good starter tank would be a freshwater 55 gal. Craigslist is full of em at a great price. I’ve gotten free ones before from there. Most 55’s are about 4’x20"x16" or around there.

Thanks chin…15

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