I realise the man in my head Alien is a moniker which is an agent of the devil sent to torment me bcuz I’m a believer in God. Also to punish me because I don’t remember God much.
There is only God, no demons
What meds are you on? Can you talk to your husband about this?
I’m on 400mg amisulpride and 5mg olanzapine
Hubby knows about Alien but I feel awkward in going into detail about him.
Told so far only my journal and you guys
I looked up word moniker and it actually exists and means nickname but I invented it to describe Alien. Like a neologism. I never realised it exists already. My definition of moniker was agent of devil.
My husband is very religious and scared to tell him too much or else he will want me to go for spiritual cleansing like my mom did when I was 15 and it terrorised me. Want nothing to do with evil spirits but Alien is a man spirit not a demon. Just that he works for devil. As he’s evil mostly.
They think you have djinn?
Honestly, I don’t know. I just hope you start feeling better. I believe it’s possible we are being messed with, but it could just be the illness. Maybe it manifests as the illness. Medicine seems to reduce their powers.
I’ve had problems with djinn in past lives/other dimensions. They can grant wishes. I guess they are leaving me alone now. I sort of miss their powers, but I think they’re demonic. It would be nice to wish mental illness away. I believe in the supernatural.
What Muslims call djinn Christians call demons
Wow that brings new light to the concept of a magic genie in a bottle.
Is that what a djinn is? A genie in a bottle? I always just thought a djinn is a demon
The word genie comes from djinn.
Yeah it’s not the genie from Disney’s Aladdin
I always thought of them more as a fairy type creature, but it is interesting that they may have been thought of as demons. Kinda explains the recurring theme of malicious compliance in the genie wish stories.
Yeah. I always thought of djinn as being evil.
I think this thread is gonna get shut down
I’m a genie in a bottle
In European myth, faeries are also often evil. Or at least tricksters.
Yes I’ve heard that but cartoons make them look so cute
Not Tinkerbell right?
No, the traditional European faerie would be quite triggering.
Alien is not a Jinn he’s a man spirit
Yes as a Muslim I believe in jinns they are created from fire and humans from clay. They are either good or bad and only other creatures with free will like man.
But as I said Alien is a spirit man not a Jinn. Agents of the devil can be either Jinn or human.