Well, I’ve finally decided not to let my friend

Falsely accuse me of things I’m not doing, and assuming the worst about me all the time.

I know she’s mentally ill right now, but that doesn’t mean i have to let her continuously hurt me.

She’s really hurting me and I can’t take it anymore. We’ve been friends almost 10 years.

But the last few months she’s been awful to me. And I’m not made of steel

So, I plan to not talk to her for a while. I hope that’s not wrong because she’s really hurting me and I can’t take it anymore


Good for you for standing up for yourself. You deserve to be treated with respect.


Thanks @TheCanuk .

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I guess you’ve already told her what she’s doing? I’m not saying you are doing the wrong thing…just don’t know if she’s aware what she’s been doing to you…?

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You’re a super nice person so if you feel the need to do this it’s probably warranted.


Is this a friend in your head or a physical friend?


Good for you @LilyoftheValley . You’re doing the right thing.


It’s totally understandable.


Do what’s best for you. You deserve to be treated well.


Thanks @everhopeful @Blossom @HollyHobby @jukebox @FreeLunch @TheCanuk
It helps to be validated.


@PinCushion , she’s real. My husband other other friends and my mom have all spent time with her. I’ve known her almost 10 years

@jukebox , I told her I’m not doing the things she’s accusing me of and not thinking the thoughts about her she says I am. I told her I love her and only want good things for her. She said she just can’t believe that right now. Then went on to accuse me of more bad thoughts towards her.


Yes you are doing the right thing @LilyoftheValley

Don’t let others walk over you


Ok. Thanks @Wave

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well that’s that… @LilyoftheValley you did your best.

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@TheCanuk @Blossom @Wave @PinCushion @HollyHobby @everhopeful

I decided to text my friend and ask for a break instead of just ghosting her. She prefers texts over phone calls because she lives with her mom.

She texted my husband at 6 pm because I hadn’t yet responded to her text to me at 1 pm. So I decided I needed to say something.

I told her that my heart is broken and hurting due to her accusations over the past few months and that they’re all untrue.

I told her I love her and think very highly of her, and that’s why it hurts so much.

I told her I need some time to clear and heal my mind and heart.

She never responded. But that’s ok. I’m sure she’s hurting too now. But it still needed to be done.

Hopefully, we can overcome this and be friends again. But I need to prepare to have lost a close friend


I am so sorry @LilyoftheValley that must have been so hard to do to text her that. My thoughts are with you. You did the right thing though. You had to do this. Be kind to yourself.

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I hope she gets the medical care she needs.

The good thing is that if her medication starts to work better she might see things in a new light.

Wishing you the best.

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Thanks @anon90992146

@Jonathan2, thanks. Yes, she’s very mentally ill right now and in denial on a lot of it, except the depression. It’s hard. I hope she realizes she’s a good person and neither I nor others, are out to get her. She has many great qualities. I’ve told her many times her great qualities but she’s unable right now to see that. It’s sad. She’s also dealing with delusions and paranoia. I really hope she and I can be friends still in the future

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Don’t give up on this possibility but it’s a good thing that you told her that you need a break from her for a while @LilyoftheValley

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