Anyone experienced being tormented by mind readers consistently for many years?
I was tormented by the delusion of telepathy until I started taking meds.
Before I got on meds I had the feeling I was telepathic. It was just a messed up head that got sorted by meds. Nothing more.
Seems very real. Might even be people that are closest to you that cause psychic harm by trying to connect on a telepathic level
I can often sense people listening to my thoughts, and possibly even influencing them. It’s unpleasant
They sit around in groups and gossip for years before making a breakthrough
It may seem very real but in my experiences it is not real. It is part of the illness.
It just sucks all the energy out of you. Every thing you do they comment and are aware of it.
I know people that want to become mind readers to destroy others
I experienced this but I am well now.
What did you do to get over it? It seems like people make too much of it, like they have nothing better to do with their time. My mind starts working overtime and thinking of all weird stuff that’s also jumbled up
Well, really I feel like it was fear and a lack of confidence that was at the heart of the belief that people could read minds. And I had to overcome the emotion and the feeling that people read minds. Rationally it is impossible.
Thanks for that. Something I have to keep working on as well. Seems like whenever things are going well there’s that nagging pessimist voice dragging you down again.
Ultimately, most people just aren’t all that interested in your thoughts. I don’t say that to be insulting, it’s just most people are worried about their own stuff, and whatever you’re thinking, even if it’s very weird, has little impact on other people.
I know that doesn’t make it feel less real though.
Personally I wouldn’t be interested in others thoughts but I think some people need to spice up their marriages or prove their manhood by becoming mind readers. But I do get what you saying twinklestars
Same here. I thought people could read my mind and talk to me through telepathy until I got on the right meds.
Man if you were hear like a month ago I made a post similar u should read it it’s a delusion .but my theory was that our aura are slightly weaker than others allowing them to pick up out thoughts strengthen your electro magnetic field (aura) with meditation sage and meds you will see and notice when people start calling out your worst fears man I know the feeling
Do you know how not to get your mind read by others? How to protect your mind, body, and spirit? Wish no one can read my thoughts.
I was driving in my car with my brother. We saw a business sign which read…
“Psychic. Call for an Appointment”
My brother said, “I’m not going to bother. She should know when I’m coming.”
I pity the poor fools who read my mind, they deserve everything they read, and by the same token, I have not a itty-bitty desire whatsoever to read anyone else’s mind.
If I want to know what someone is thinking, I’ll ask them.