*Trigger Warning* Telepathy

Im starting to really believe this is telepathy, someone please explain how this isnt.

Looking over everyones delusions its weird how they all match almost completely to the t, i mean it fits in an organized fashion of what people can telepathically do, people can see what we see and make us do things against our will or make us believe things. I almost think some have figured out they are not crazy and can mess with the rest of us to where we all believe we are crazy instead. They will make others see what we see to where they can control us as in our own body sometimes the strong ones can make us move and do things against our will. If we are telepathic then the voices in our heads that don’t sound like us are someone else and we are all confused yelling at each other threatening each other and it only gets worse. What if we could stand together and stop fighting and all work together to make this a better world full of protectors instead of being evil toward each other and make a beautiful aurora instead of a bad one.


I understand entirely what you mean ---- it’s a ‘fake it till you make it’ philosophy, nobody wants to question if we’re dealing with brainwashing from an outside source, they just say ‘take yer damn meds’ and pretend it’s all natural :neutral_face:


I tried to explain this to a doctor in hospital before and she agreed it was weird so many people experience the same thing

My opinion on telepathy is that it exists inbetween this reality and another


Yes, it is unusual that people have the same delusion. I had the same as well. I take it we’re meaning the delusion that other people can read our thoughts?

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There are some common patterns but delusions are influenced by your culture and knowledge.

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