Mind reading and telepathy very real

That’s what pr0n is for :smile:

I was also tormented by the delusion of telepathy and mindreading until I started taking the proper AP’s. I truly thought that I was telepathic. Now, I know that that was all nonsense.

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I can’t say there’s a 100% chance there’s nothing to it. I just notice that nobody will ever tell me there is in reality or truly hold my thoughts against me that I can tell.


Maybe the science of consciousness can substantiate the metaphysical experiences of SZ, 50 years from now.

I was tormented by mindreading and telepathy all of my life until I started on three AP’s. Then, that all went away, finally.


I’ve had my mind read by others but I wonder if it’s my real mind and soul. Hate people hearing what I think since it tends to be embarrassing or disturbing words. It’s hard to control one’s thoughts it’s like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant. I have people get upset at me for what I think it’s not a big deal. Wish for privacy though then I will be at peace.

Do you ever stop and think that it may not be your mind that they are reading, but your face?
Facial expressions can give you away fairly easy, especially if you’ve ever been around little kids.

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Do u have a link

I had this feeling too.

Another possibility is that you could be reading and subconsciously understanding the faces of others, and having conscious, linguistic thoughts appropriate to other’s expressions, which makes it feel like others have read your thoughts.

An important thing to realise is that conscious linguistic thoughts probably come after causal mental events, they are “the result not the process of thinking,” the reverse of what we usually assume. See, e.g.
Social Psychology
According to this research (above), our thoughts are kind of back to front.

Since we assume our thoughts are our understanding ( i.e. that thoughts are equal to an occur at the same time as understanding) then if we have a thought that corresponds to someone else’s face, or stare, then it must because that person read our thought or projected the thought onto us, and not because we have already understood that face and that the thought was caused by the face.

Really we look at a face, realise subconsciously that the person is looking at us like we are weird.

Then still looking at the face, we think “You weirdo” (as what the face has already conveyed to us), but not realising that this is the interpretation that we have subconsciously already come up with, it feels as if the other person is either beaming the thought into us, or showing that face having read our thought.


I’ve had this delusion too. Time and medication has helped tremendously.

This reminds me of old times. I would be thinking about some TV show episode that was just on recently, and as I am walking outside thinking about it, a person I pass by says to me, " I saw that too.". Or then there were the times when I was at a restaurant and every conversation that was going on by others surrounding me was related to each of my thoughts, step by step.
Mind reading???
It took me years to figure out what was really happening.

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Pay attention to the frequencies you hear.

Also alot of this delusion is subvocalization. Sometimes we subvocalize loud enough so we can hear it in our own ears. It’s a bad habit to break.

I’m really not sure how to use my internal voice anymore

I had this bad when the pressure in my head was greatest, the feeling that people’s conversations were following my thoughs closely, but recently as my treatment has progressed and my brain swelling has reduced, I feel ever more “desynchronized” from the sounds and voices around me. Normalcy would be like 95+% desynchronization from those noises.

WOW , I sent some info concerning schizophrenia to the CIA.

They disabled all of my credit cards.

All my cards are now dead.

I was getting some smokes, but all my cards were now no good. But then a guy who I do not know, threw two five dollar bills in front of me and said that that should be enough and ran away.

This is a double mystery. Both credit cards said declined.

What exacly do you figure out about thought broadcasting? How that is happening?

Subvocalization is nonsense.

Likely because if you’re this dysfunctional you’re not paying bills properly or have them maxed out from delusional purchasing binges. Not that much of a mystery.

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You could call the bank and ask. Probably it’s no available credit, or maybe your card has been compromised in one of the recent data breaches.

I used to work in the financial world and the CIA never sent us anything. The most exciting thing would be every once in awhile the IRS would block someone’s account for back taxes, and we’d get a few for back child support. If you are not laundering money, you need not worry about law enforcement becoming involved in your banking.

I’ve been there but honestly even to criticize myself it seems like egocentricity to imagine everything is about you.

I subvocalize alot as do most people. How is thst nonsense