Metaphysical truman show

It’s not a normal truman show with limited studio for the movie. It’s metaphysical truman show with the whole universe as studio.
Even the sun is created artificially


Can you comprehende all that??

What do you mean?

I beg your pardon??

Sounds like simulation theory or matrix theory…

That’s what I have. I have learned to deal with it and accept it. I get hours of peace per day. I get the occasional hiccup and then I return back to normalcy. It will never go away completely.


Doesn’t sound too nice…the matrix was a cool movie

Matrix and truman show were both good movies, but very triggering

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I’ve studied the movie the matrix. It’s totally legit. the only thing is it leaves out the technicalities and the whole 120v battery thing is debatable…if not wrong. Not sure though.

They hand wave a lot of things.

I think the Truman Show is stupid. I saw it as a kid. It’s creepy.

Maybe I’m getting a little to deep here.

I’m not even sure if it’s possible.

If true, consciousness is probably more foundational and important than people realize.

Does consciousness even exist?

This is the type of stuff I think about constantly…

Recently, Ricard Dawkins said the simulators (if real) would have to follow evolution or natural selection. I guess he means base reality?

People in the future will probably say that about the matrix…

Doubt it. Not according to current trends. Im solely talking about the first movie. The rest sucked. When I first saw it, I thought it was just an action movie. All the philosophy went right over me.

Now. Its a classic and will and is being talked about.

I haven’t seen truman show in a long time. Barely remember it. That type of human experiment on that large of scale is stupid, noticeable, and probably impossible.

Maybe with mind control using AI to control sentience and consciousness, sure. Im thinking westworld. Westworld is amazing and deeper and better than the matrix in some ways.

But matrix will always be a classic.

I’m no physicist, but I bet either 120v is possible or physics/biology outside the sim is different.

But isn’t a metaphysical Truman SHow identical with a simulation?


Yes, I have both


Metaphysical truman show is my own term.
It means “as a whole”, “beyond physical material planes”.

Guys, I will inform my psychiatrist. I will call him


I have this delusion too. Feels like I have to be insightful or entertaining all the time otherwise the “watchers” get bored.

I’ll be honest, it’s kind of getting fun but out of principle I have to stop it. Gonna heal my blood-brain barrier with a PEMF device.


Watchers don’t get bored.
Some of them like even when I’m sleeping


It’s pretty overly intimate but I’m starting not to care. They’re always there to bounce thoughts off of.

It’s therapeutic but I don’t think it’ll last. There’s no “healthy middle ground” where your brain is healed and you’re still in that state, I imagine.


Hi, I know exactly what ypou mean! you sort have to learn to live alongside the Psychodramas and strangness of it, and try to not give a response.


You can react if you want. There’s no hard and fast rule. Like, find your happiness.

But if you do react in public you’ll seem like a nutter, and it “breaks the narrative” or something.

I find that giving any response feed them! you will be shark bait.

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