Truman show

Y’all ever had the ones thst want to act like your life is like the Truman show?

It’s stuff that you laugh off at the time then when you get home or alone what they did or saod hits you and it feels like you’re spiralling into an acid trip of ■■■■■■ up reality.

This is the stuff that made me ill. This is the stuff that traumatized you and ■■■■■ up your brain and thoughts and eveentually your life


I feel like I’m being watched most of the time I just pretend I’m the comic relief in some weird soap opera. I always break the 4th wall. It’s not so bad.


My life is more like “Dumb & Dumber.” With sub-titles.


Every day for the past five years. Minimal privacy. Always feels like the world is discuss me and my secrets in broad daylight.

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Yeah doesn’t bother me unless they are spreading lies and torturing me .

Torturing you? How so??

I feel very deceived and manipulated. Besides God and Jesus I don’t know what to believe. There is something to this that isn’t just my mind.

I wish it was though. All I can tell you is not fall for the new age spirtual stuff, it will bring on more issues and have you chasing your own tail.

What’s wrong with new age spiritual stuff? that seems very rude to say.

I’ll get hit with frequencies, intense heat, emotional hijack, sleep paralysis, voices berating, randomly a mix of emotions from an external source. Even get this feeling I’m about to be raped or somehoe sexually abused. Like someone is looming over me with their sick perverted mind

That sounds horrible I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Does anything help lessen it?

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of course alot of people on here will immediately answer you with, get on meds! people think its that simple, just take a pill and it goes away, and repeat, take pill, issue goes away. just like headaches and erectile dysfunction, take a pill and it goes away. i don’t really think its that simple for everyone.


I often felt that I was being -ED most of the TIME.

The fun part was figuring out what it was referred to as being “WATCHED”, rather than being “VIEWED”.

The Truman show is very schizophrenic like…so is the Matrix…I hope you feel better soon…


Praying and reading the bible. I can’t trust anyone.

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I don’t think it is that simple either. From my experience these things are on all level of existence. They effect every aspect of your life. Sometimes we can fight it, sometimes we don’t know which way is up.

I’ve seen close people turn into a totally different person before my eyes in personality . I’ve seen and experienced things that I don’t think they could put in a movie.

I used to think it was enlightening and interesting in some way. Maybe I was trying to cope. But it is evil.

Thank you. Been tough few months but I refuse to settle for these things in my life. Ya know, turning into and being what others want to see you as.

I finally understood a few months ago that there were battles going on all around us, supernatural ones, and that those who knew about them would be killed…and that the “mental health professionals” were and are unaware that meds are being adulterated to slowly kill off the aware…of course, TELLING them this led to more meds and quite a long lockup visit…so I realized that to maintain my life AND my autonomy, I have to lie to them. Because they ARE watching, ESPECIALLY in the hospital with it’s video, audio, and nowhere to hide.
And I don’t know about Jesus, but the Dalai Lama has been “talking” to me for months, so I have to think that God is a bit eclectic and He doesn’t mind different people having different beliefs as long as they try to be good people…


Up? It’s a brain; an ugly little organ that computes information with a form of logic that is always the same no matter what. The logic is always the same, so the information in it is what’s doing the “dumb sheit” that you are having problems with.

Each of your outer and inner senses such as sight, proximity, hearing, and language deciphering/composition and so on have it’s own kind of logic. The same information can enter each one, and each one will produce a different product. One makes colors. Another makes proximity to things and self. …and so on.

All of your voices are just these “logic sense organ” thingies just doing their jobs, but the information is not true in them, so they keep giving you a f’d up deal. Like first of all the bs that you are experiencing is not coming from anywhere except the soaked “wrinkly root in your head.”

Can you imagine this?

Picture yourself watching yourself from outside of yourself.

Now imagine how those logic sense organs are working away in there, and where they are getting their information.

Can you imagine how your sight is getting information off of your eyes, and then make a picture of the world. The picture made in your brain is not the same as the reality outside of your head. There is no color first of all, and no one can ever see the world without using eyes that create a synthetic representation of the world. Can you imagine looking upon yourself as your brain creates a synthetic image of the world inside of it based on data impressed on microscopic light particles?

Did you know light is EMF, so that makes eyes antennae? Just a quick fact.

Now think about your feelings the same way, and go down the list.

Most importantly as an scz you need to think about your sense of proximity. Scz’s biggest problem is their sense of proximity. While everyone else knows it’s all taking place in their heads, scz’s can understand that. They think it’s coming from somewhere else, and then it’s a huge sociological thing going on which is not going on at all except with the self inside of a little wrinkly root soaking in blood; the brain. This problem with proximity senses is the reason why scz’s think telepathy things. This is the hallmark signature of what is an scz and what is not.

You should look up the Trivium and Gnostic Media if this is the kind of stuff you are interested. It will steer straight.

Being misguided in this day and age is a very hard thing, and you are very interested based on the intensity that you describe your beliefs with. You’ll want to focus on the real phenomenon of logic and words when you look into those things. There are websites on google and many, many videos on youtube.

Good luck.

DMA, you are awesome! You sound like me when I feed the doctors crap about how I know my acetylcholine receptors are stymied and my dopamine receptors are unable to reach their action potential…I had a full-ride to John’s Hopkins coming out of high school, was preparing for medical school since 6th grade, but ended up in FL state hospital that year instead. You sound very educated, whether in school or an auto-didact…so maybe I can make the argument that altered perceptions are simply a VARIATION of grey matter function, only considered an aberration when they do not conform to societal norms. Admittedly, dangerousness alters that a great deal, but I kind of LIKE the voices I hear and the seemingly constant parasympathetic stimulation that occurs with a paranoid existence.

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