Masturbation is so clumsy

I remember giving it up in favor of more effort going into the piano. So I was happier then. I don’t think masturbation really makes anyone happy. It’s so totally selfish.


Sorry but i have to say that i desagree


I tried masturbating this morning and discovered my sexual functioning has come back after getting off Zyprexa.

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Well, the last time I just checked in to see what condition my condition I was in. And, I had no desire.

Yeah gave it up for jesus


Practice makes perfect.



I have so many sexual images in my head, its very unlikely I wake up without a healthy errection. Some of the free pleasures I got. I had medication taking my libido away, its ok, I just put on more weight trying to get foodorgasm. Sz with or without the medication taking every emotion out of balance. I don’t think I have natural emotions anymore. I am shocked.

Uh, there must be something about it that’s good, billions of people couldn’t be wrong.

Speaking of selfish, what about eating, pooping, etc.


Exactly, masturbation is a bioogical need just like eating and pooping. Its a personal choice to stop it and no reason to say it to anyone lmao

i only like cumming in the mastubation

Masturbation is so clumsy

I Know, I keep dropping it on the floor :crazy_face: :joy: :rofl:


I used to thinkk masturabtion was a waste of time until I read a book on how to get more pleasure and realised I’d been doing it wrong.
It just takes small things, like gently stroking certain parts, or moving your hips to the rhythm.
For me, it also helped figuring out my fetishes and incorporating them into the act. And of course, using your imagination never hurts making it better.

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Eating and pooping are a need. Other than the need for self discovery, I don’t know the need for masturbation. Narcissism is the extreme use for it. Mirrors are required. lol

Yeah, you’re right chordy, masturbation is useless and people who do it are stupid and there is no reason on earth why anyone should do it. Every person who does it is so stupid, they don’t know what they are doing. I move we abolish masturbation, it has no use. Why stop there, we’re on a roll, lets abolish sex for pleasure too.


those who stopped masturbation for long periods of time know how much its beneficial, masturbating is like giving away gold for candy.

why not call masturbation d.i.y sex?

Singing along to Ave Maria while swinging upside-down from a trapeze in a furry cos-play costume is kind of fun.

Wait. Overshare?

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I’ve only dropped my vagina a couple times.


Masterbation is a chore these days

Masturbation is sex with someone I love.