
I think masturbation is wrong, except if you need to. I would have committed suicide, if I didn’t masturbate. I even have to masturbate because I don’t have enough to do. If I didn’t masturbate I felt like I was going to explode.

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masturbation pacifies me. but i still do it occasionally.

Schizophrenics have poor control over their frame of mind. They give in to lusty feelings easily. So it’s there for people like that. Me included, I guess. Kind of annoying though.

A healthy person with good frame control can basically turn their libido off completely unless they needed it. I’ve been able to do that before. Lust is pretty distracting.

If done in moderation its healthy but I don’t think you have control over it. I had uncontrollable hypersexuality on Abilify, it was painful after done 6 times in a single day daily, it was an addiction, felt like a chore and OCD.

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Great Topic @Jake, If That is Even Your Real Name!.

Jus Kidding. Bringing up Personal, Tough Topics to Sometimes, Insecure, Vulnerable, Victims of Possible Horrendous Crimes Against Humanity is a Great Choice.

Jus Sayin,

Keep up The Great Work. And Great Threads!.

:peace_symbol: :black_heart: :peace_symbol:

i think seriously
it is better than marriage
and responsibility
marriage and resposiblity and fights vs masturabation
masturabation wins

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Women masturbate too right?

Yes, they do. 15

Impressive Courage @Jake

Talking About Such a Subject Women Need No Man to Advise Upon.

Good Job!.

:peace_symbol: :black_heart: :peace_symbol:

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Masturbation is healthy and normal. Almost everyone does it. Those who don’t normally have weird hang ups and are repressed. They’d really benefit from an orgasm or 3.


The best I can stop masterbating is one month.
I did not masterbate on purpose to break the cycle. I had no choice. I don’t let my emotions control over me.

99% of people masturbate. The rest are liars.


Before aps killed my libido I did it a lot. I felt it was a good outlet for my needs instead of sleeping with many different partners or settling for any partner I could find. I always thought of masturbation as healthy and normal.

Some bit of trivia for you. It takes sperm 3 months to fully mature, so if you find a woman and want children at some point, holding it in for that long would ensure they are the most genetically fit you can possibly make. That would generate the fastest, healthiest sperm.

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What about spiritual people who dont Masturbate. I wish i could be like them. Same with food and fasting. I want to be a positive person.

I think you are talking about having self control.

I wish I never masterbated
I don’t like its consequences

Some people say that the no fap isn’t true.
Supposably the no fap makes people confident,super confident, high endophrines.

Maybe give it 3 months

God, what even is this forum nowadays…


Thank God, I have erectile dysfunction